What do you think of my garage sale sign? I've used this sign for at least a dozen garage sales and it still looks great, doesn't it? A lot of folks don't make the letters large enough for passing vehicals to read them. My letters range from 4 to six inches tall and I make them wide enough for easy visability.
Good garage sales take a tremendous amount of work and planning. I know, because I've hosted MANY garage sales and I am considered an expert on the subject by ME.
My table of treasures! Never be afraid to put any kind of worthless junk on your table. Remember the old saying? "One persons trash is another persons treasure."
Some people will buy a set of little salt and pepper shakers in the shape of penguins because their grandma had a set like that. Other treasure hunters have collections of bunnies, owls, elephants or whatever, and if you have ANYTHING that fits into their collection you have a sale. Or maybe they just need a refrigerator drawer.
The obligatory clothes rack made of ladders and a hoe handle. It adds a touch of class to have clothes hanging up like in a store than just piling them up on a table. Baby clothes are the best. You may have noticed that the entire hoe handle is loaded with baby clothes. They go like hot cakes! Even if people don't have babies of their own they love buying the adorable outfits for their grandchildren, nieces and nephews and to dress up their foo foo doggies on special occasions. Ho-kay?
The obligatory table of higher priced, delux items that must be located right in front of the cashier table so you can keep a vigilant eye on the stuff. $5.00 rings, a $10.00 Wizard Of Oz watch, priceless basketball cards for $8.00 a box. One day, some low life guy tricked me into going in the house to ask my wife a question about something and when I came back out he was gone, and so was a valuable Elvis watch in a case shaped like a guitar. Ask me if I was ticked off. Oh, yeah!!
The obligatory book table. Books sell! Especially kids books. At this sale we had a table exclusively for childrens books and it was a big hit!
I didn't know people even read books anymore, with computers, I Pods, I Pads, Facebook, blogs, talking books and good ole T.V. Some folks collect certain books by certain authors, or romance books, religious books, medical books...books sell!
Be prepared to watch a lot of cars drive by...
And drive by...
And drive by.
Our sweet and awesome customers! Our coolest item was this sewing chest.
Yes, garage sales are a lot of work but the rewards can begreat indeed! On this particular day we made a grand total of $34.00.