Even if we tried real hard to imagine the beauty and strangeness of outer spaze, it would be quite difficult for our puny earthling brains to comprehend.
Since a picture is worth a thousand worms, here is a tiny example of what it's like...
I Know this looks like a painting, but it's an actual photo taken from the Hubble telescope on April 23, 2010. Part of the Carina Nebula.
Maybe now you can understand why our beloved spaze warriors, Gary and Yellow Rose, absolutely LOVE traveling through the vast beauteousness of spaze!
In fact, that is what they're doing at this moment in tom, whizzing across billions of light years of vastness, to embark on another exciting, dangerous mission!
Please play dramatic music for full effect.
Rosie - (Staring out the porthole...by porthole, I mean window) "Oh, Gary, Come and look at the Carina Nebula, it is so awesomely beautiful!!"
Gary - "No can do, Rosie. Every time I look at that thing, I get that song in my head, playing over and over again!"
Rosie - "Oh, you mean, Cor..."
Gary - "Noooo! Don't even say the name of the song or it will begin looping in my little cranium!"
Rosie - "Sorry, buddy! I almost had a slip of the tongue and said, Corrine Corrina!"
Gary - "Oh, nooooo!
Rosie - "Is it playing in your brain now?"
Gary - "It has begun, Rosie, and heaven knows when it'll stop!"
My favorite version!
Rosie - "My bad, Gary" Is there anything I can do to make it stop playing in your head?"
Gary - "The only thing that has ever worked in the past, was for me to start laughing at something so much I forget about the song!"
Rosie - "What should I do, Gary?"
Gary - "♪Corrina, Corrina...♪♪ It's hard for me to concentrate with this, ♪♪Corrina, Corrina♪ looping in my head, but you need to grab a live chicken from the livestock hold, dress up like a mermaid, and come back here before I go bonkers!!"

Rosie returns in her best mermaid costume and a squawking chicken in her hands.
Gary - "Listen carefully, Rosie...Wave the squawking chicken back and forth over your head, while standing on one foot, and singing the Glirkazoid national anthem!"
Rosie does as she is told.
Immediately, Gary begins to laugh hysterically, rolling on the floor with great guffaws! (Guffaw...A loud boisterous burst of laughter.)
Rosie - "Gary...you're laughing! Does this mean the song has stopped playing in your little head?"
Gary - "Ha ha...to tell you...ha ha ha...the truth...hee hee hee...the song stopped ten minutes ago, I just wanted to see you waving a chicken around...on one foot,,,ha ha... in a mermaid costume...ha ha ha ha...singing the freakin' Glirkazoid national anthem...hee hee hee, ha ha ha, hee hee!!"
Rosie - (Speaking very quietly) "Gary, come over here real close, and let me show you how I can fit a squawking chicken into a very small orafice."
Gary begins to run, and Rosie chases after him!!
Rosie - "Come back here you sawed off son of a Garconian Garbage Guy!!! You'll be fartin' feathers for 400 Farthian fortnights!!"

Rosie returns in her best mermaid costume and a squawking chicken in her hands.
Gary - "Listen carefully, Rosie...Wave the squawking chicken back and forth over your head, while standing on one foot, and singing the Glirkazoid national anthem!"
Rosie does as she is told.
Immediately, Gary begins to laugh hysterically, rolling on the floor with great guffaws! (Guffaw...A loud boisterous burst of laughter.)
Rosie - "Gary...you're laughing! Does this mean the song has stopped playing in your little head?"
Gary - "Ha ha...to tell you...ha ha ha...the truth...hee hee hee...the song stopped ten minutes ago, I just wanted to see you waving a chicken around...on one foot,,,ha ha... in a mermaid costume...ha ha ha ha...singing the freakin' Glirkazoid national anthem...hee hee hee, ha ha ha, hee hee!!"
Rosie - (Speaking very quietly) "Gary, come over here real close, and let me show you how I can fit a squawking chicken into a very small orafice."
Gary begins to run, and Rosie chases after him!!
Rosie - "Come back here you sawed off son of a Garconian Garbage Guy!!! You'll be fartin' feathers for 400 Farthian fortnights!!"
Well, well, well...boys and girls...so ends another episode of OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY!