Monday, November 26, 2018

Way To Go Will...Who Clears My Snow

The great, gargantuan, gregarious, Greg and Dan radio show, beloved by Central Illinois folks, has a segment called, "Way To Go Todd", that celebrates the kind deed perpetrated by Todd Walker. (Link to his story below)

Greg and Dan find stories of people who perform kind and loving deeds to others, and share these heartwarming stories with their devoted listeners. 

In addition, here is the link to the AMAZING Greg and Dan Show...

Now, let's return to MY story, that could be a good subject for Way To Go Todd, but we'll call it Way To Go Will.

Will and his family moved in across the street from us before last winter. 

Will is the Pastor of the Pekin Lighthouse Church here in Pekin, Illinois. Here is another link for ya...

Anyway, beginning last winter, I would wake up, dreading the experience of shoveling X amounts of snow, but magically and mysteriously, my snow would be ALREADY cleared! My driveway and sidewalks were completely snow free! 

Well, after a while, I got up real early and waited, like a kiddo would wake up early to view Santa, to see what kind soul was shoveling my snow.

It was WILL! I did not even know him very well, but he was giving his valuable time, strength, and time in a warm bed, to help and old codger like me!
Franki and Will

Representation of me..but not actually me.

He must have noticed me walking the dog, bent over with pain from my aching back, or me just looking ancient...I don't know, but what a wonderful, great thing to do! 

He never took credit for doing it, but when I found out it was him, I thanked him profusely, and he was so humble about what he did, kind of like, "It wasn't much"...but it was a beautiful expression of Christian love to my wife and I! 

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. Heb. 6:10