Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Periodically I ask my Bloggadocious 222 family to place a comment in the comments section below....and periodically, only a couple of folks do so.

I want to get to the bottom of WHY  so few of you want to share your thoughts on my thought provoking blog

So I've created a comprehensive questionnaire to see what we're doing wrong. I say, "we're," because I ain't takin' all the blame, folks!


1. I don't make comments because I really never read this nonsensical drivel. (kind of an oxymoron, because the definition of drivel is nonsense)

2. I don't make comments because I'm not good at making comments. (What? I'm not good at writing this blog, but I STILL DO IT! One word is just fine, friends.)

3. I don't make comments because I just don't have the time. (Really? C'mon! You have time for watching every single episode of Game Of Thrones, or a 3 hour Marvel movie, and you don't have time to say, "this blog article was full of what comes from the back side of a bull?"

4. I don't make comments because I'm Amish, and we don't have technological devices. (I'll accept that)

5. I don't make comments because I know you want me to comment, and I just want to tick you off. (I hope this ain't it)

Thanks for participating in our comprehensive questionnaire.

Please select the number that corresponds with your reason for not commenting, and place the selected number in the comments section below.

If you cannot find your reason for not commenting in the comprehensive questionnaire, make something up.

If you are one of the precious few who comment regularly...God bless you!

Disclaimer: This comprehensive questionnaire is only for purposes of understanding why vast amounts of my blog readers do not comment. Any and all answers will not be shared with the Russians, and/or the My Pillow guy. State laws do not allow us to publicly submit the results of the comprehensive questionnaire to a Grand Jury investigation or Judge Jeanine Pirro. Failure to take part in this comprehensive questionnaire will be punishable by severe cases of heavy dandruff.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Please Do NOT Mention L.T.W. In Public!

My Bloggadocious 222 blog is NOT some kind of secret society, like the Illuminati, but it does have it's special code and clues that only the most faithful readers will understand.

Of course, I cannot reveal anything about the code, or the clues, or EVERYBODY will know the ways of the Bloggas!

Click here for dramatic music.

For many millennia of time, across the wide spectrum of civilization, through the vast wilderness of transmigratory nomadic travel, we see absolutely no record of the "Bloggas!" That's what makes you so special! Why, even the BIG EYE of the IRS knows not of your existence!! 

They especially don't know about the L.T.W. code, which I beg you, should NEVER be repeated, or placed in the message box, or in the Facebook comments section, for fear of giving away our whole worldwide operation!

Just imagine the Chinese government cracking the L.T.W. code! We would be doomed to suffer the consequences until, uh..."doomsday!"

So, please, refrain from placing L.T.W. in the comments section, even though there are "forces" that are pressuring our minds to do so! 

It's important that we appear to be an innocent blog family, out to have a little fun and frolic, whilst all along we are planning something that will TOTALLY shock the world some sweet day! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha haaaa! (Those were evil, echoing ha ha's, like in horror flicks)

Please don't feel left out if you don't comprehend the L.T.W. code, you are probably better off not knowing. 

You see, most of the world's problems stem from ignorance and fear of the unknown.  Especially when it comes to other people. 

"That person is weird, because of his/her different clothing!" "What a weirdo to like hip-hop music!" "You know, having a chicken as a pet is really weird!" 

However...our secret code at this blog is L.T.W., or Love The Weirdos, because all of us have weird idiosyncrasies that others do not understand.

Some words of encouragement from Bill Murray (It just doesn't matter!)

We are ALL weirdos in one way or another, so by loving the weirdos we eliminate the hypocritical biases that cause arguments, fights, and even wars!

Remember, this is all hush, hush, because if this info gets into the wrong hands "THEY" could disrupt our love a weirdo campaign!

All of you sweet "Bloggas" must continue on, very stealthily, to support, comfort, and cheer on the weirdos of the world, like you and me! (I know you're weird, because you read this blog every day) 

If we do, one day the peace, love, tranquility, gentleness, laughter, and pure joy will circumnavigate the globe as sunshine warms the entire surface of this big blue ball we love to call Earth, except for Antarctica and the North Pole, which do get sunshine, but not a whole lot of warmth. 

The great Magellan!

Don't forget...

Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday Fun And Frolics
(Please click on the video clips, You're missing a lot if you do not)

I haven't done a Friday Fun and Frolics blog posting in many moons! 

In fact, I don't think I've EVER done a Friday Fun and Frolics blog posting! 

So we're doin' this thang together, "cause it's Friday, and we want to have FUN, and we LOVE to FROLIC!!

I'm dancin' folks! Look at me, I'm dancin'!!


frol-ik ]



merry play; merriment; gaiety; fun.
merrymaking or party.
playful behavior or action; prank.

verb (used without object), frol·icked, frol·ick·ing.

to gambol merrily; to play in a frisky, light-spirited manner; romp:The children were frolicking in the snow.
to have fun; engage in merrymaking; play merry pranks.


merry; full of fun.

Chihuahua! I haven't frolicked in so long, I almost forgot what it's like! 

The Nature Cat gang are great frolickers!

Spring is the PERFECT time for fun and frolicking amidst the flowers, butterflies, and those gigantic bumblebees that buzz the heck outta ya! 

Those bees sound like B52 bombers flyin' around your punkin' head, and they will make you feverishly, frolic frenetically faster, folks!! 

It's all good, though, because Friday is the "golden" day of the week, when almost zero work gets done at your place of employment, unless you're a server in a restaurant, and all thoughts are on the blessed weekend that will be absolutely marvelous, if it don't rain.

In conclusion, why are you wasting your time reading this blog? Get out in the glorious sunshine and frolic to your hearts content!! Just don't break anythang! Like your bones!


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Late Again...Not Great Again...DRAT!

(Sung to the tune of "Love Letters In The Sand)

♪♪On a day like today, I pass the time away, writing Bloggadocious in my chair..air...air...air,♪

♪Even though I am late, I'm sure it won't  be great,
Writing Bloggadocious in my chair,♪♪

♪♪You made a vow, that you, would read all the way through,
But somehow, that vow, was superseded by your brew,♪

♪Now my broken heart aches as I correct all my mistakes,
Writing Bloggadocious, in my chaaaaaair!♪♪

Yes, folks, once a gain I'm late with my blog, and there ain't nuttin' woice! 

I try, I really try, but life happens!

Disclaimer: This video is only included because I said, "I try, I really try," like Billy Jack, so please ignore the violent section at the end, in fact, just turn it off when Billy says, BERSERK. Thank you!

Early is my middle name! Danny Early Maness (really, it's Bruce, but I like Early better), and I've been an early guy since I was a child. I may have even been born early, but I can't remember.

The reason I always want to be early is because I never want to miss something.

For instance: "Danny, too bad you came late, The Beatles stopped by 5 minutes ago and sang "Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da for us!"

"Danny, if you had been here on time, you too would have received a million dollars from Howard Hughes like all of us did!" 

Maybe the main reason I despise being tardy is because of the stares, soft chuckles, almost indecipherable ridicule I receive from onlookers as I enter the scene. 

Then I realize, if I wasn't such a fanatic about promptness, they wouldn't make sport with me! 

Make sport: To joke about someone in a way that makes them feel stupid. 

I need to be late more frequently, to remove the stigma of being an "early bird"!

On the other hand, "the early bird catches the worm!" But, WHO WANTS A WORM?!! Yes, maybe someone going fishin', but lures are way less slimy. 

You might be thinking that my obsession with being early is a strain on my beautiful wife, Donna, but serendipitously, she is an earlier bird than me!

Serendipitous is an adjective that describes accidentally being in the right place at the right time, like bumping into a good friend in some unusual location, or finding a hundred dollar bill on the ground.

Her feats of earliness are legendary! Just ask her kids! However, I'm not gonna embarrass her by retelling these phenomenal tales of her being sooner than expected. That would NOT be a wise move on my part!

I don't know where this photo was taken, but I know she was early!

Anyway, let me apologize once again for my rudeness of making you wait for your daily dose of droll diversion! 

"After all, tomorrow is another day!"

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Making You Happy Is My Ultimate Goal

Oft times I sway away from my dedicated goal of making my lovely blog readers happy, whilst putting them in a state of confused delirium by way of bizarre ideas and nonsense.

I apologize when I begin to complain about stuff that bothers me, leaving you guys a bit sad and verklempt. 

It's like my old grandpa Estey (named after an Estey piano) used to say to me, "Rocky (he always called me Rocky for some strange reason...and this was LONG before the Rocky movies), if ya can't laugh a little each day, ya ain't really livin', and Rocky, the more ya cry, the less you'll pee, boy...and never look a gift horse in the mouth, 'cause horses have very bad breath...and laugh and the whole wide worm laughs at ya, because ya can't always get whatcha want, even if you're a rollin' stone!"

Yes, grandpa Estey was crazy, but I learned a lot from him! Who said, "I know?"

It's like when I mowed my lawn yesterday, for the first time this year. I was actually happy and singing songs to myself as I toiled  along! Songs like...



Along with singing songs to myself, I'll meditate on the deeper things of life, as merrily I mow along.

Things like, why do they call a shoe, a shoe? Do birds go wee wee? Could Chuck Norris have defeated Godzilla? Why don't they have a White Castle hamburger joint in Peoria?!!!

These are perplexing, frustrating questions that...wait a sec...here I go again complaining about stuff, instead of concentrating on your happiness and inner peace. 

Why should you care that we don't have a White Castle in Peoria, or nowhere near Peoria. You probably have one across the street! Maybe you don't even like White Castle hamburgers, and wish they didn't exist!! Right?!!

Whoops. I did it again. Just let me catch my breath and we will conclude with something that should make us all deliriously happy and tranquil.

Don't ignore the above video if you want to reach pure Nirvana!