Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Asian Carpnado Tuesday...Yaaaay!!!!!!!

Brilliant ideas don't come along every day.
Or even every week! In fact, I'm not sure if I ever had a brilliant idea, but Jeff Hanneman sure did!

Note Jeff Hanneman's name on the awesome movie poster.
By the way, MY name is on there too! Ha!!

Mr. Hanneman was the dude who came up with the Asian Carpnado idea, and The Greg and Dan Radio Show has taken Jeff's idea to new heights!

They now have an Asian Carpnado movie in the works (I incidentally, wrote the theme for the movie), a movie trailer, a fantastic movie poster, an Asian Carnado tee shirt...
and Lord knows what's coming next!



I actually recorded two versions of the Asian Carpnado theme song, but I need to find out which one YOU like best!

Here they are, starting with the first version and ending with the second version!

It's important we get input from YOU on this, so we will know which one to use in the real life movie! 

Ain't this exiting?!

Just think about it! What if you had been in on the decision of every movie theme? 

The Theme to The Magnificent 7, the Goldfinger theme, the Chariots of Fire theme, theme to Exodus (one of the greatest), the theme to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....

Wouldn't you be as proud as Polly's pickles?!

Sure you would! So after picking your favorite, let me know in the comments section! 

Like they would say thank you in Germany...Donkey shame!