Thursday, March 26, 2020

I've Always Liked Thursdays

Oft times folks ask me why I like Thursdays, and I really can't explain it. 

This is not me. For you new readers.

Maybe it's a lingering feeling from when I used to work for a living, and I knew that glorious Friday would greet me in the morning. 

It could be that some of my favorite TV shows were aired on Thursdays when I was just a little pipsqueak! 

Shows like...(and these were prime time) Kukla Fran and Ollie, The lone Ranger, George Burns and Gracie Allen, You Bet Your Life, Truth Or Consequences, Captain Video and his Video Rangers...

Simple times...simple Thursdays...simple folks...watching black and white TV and eating toasted cheerios! At least, that's what we did.

Here's some epic things that happened on Thursday. Click link below↓

So have a good Thursday, enjoy it while it lasts, even though it can't compare to Thursdays in the past.