Friday, November 8, 2019

Ignore This Blog Today!

They used to call it reverse psychology , but I don't know what they call it now.

You tell someone to do something, or not do something, and they do the opposite.

For instance, you say to your baby, "Whatever you do, DON'T eat that broccoli!" 

It doesn't usually work, but that's a small example of reverse psychology. 

Here is one you can relate to, folks...

If you don't know this classic story of reverse psychology, it's imperative you watch the, above, cartoon clip ... NOW!!

We will wait, whist listening to this classic "waiting music..."

I have loved the "Tar Baby" story since I was a drooling little bambino, and STILL love it as a drooling old guy!!

I never realized it was an excellent example of reverse psychology until I was about 5 years old, and by that time I was hooked on the adorable story...♪♪ Oh, I was born in the brier patch...I was born in the brier patch ♪♪... or something like that.

So now you understand why I entitled this post, "Ignore This Blog Today." 

I was using the time honored "reverse psychology" method, to trick you into clicking on my blog today!

i will know if my devious, evil plan worked, when I crunch the numbers from my analytics thingy.

I'm not TylerPak...just an example of analytics, friends.

While I'm at it, I'll try a few more reverse psychology attempts...

"Please, do NOT send me gold! Even if you pity my pathetic poorness, DON'T send me gold!!"

"To all of you music producer, executives ... refrain from publishing one of my original songs, and offering me a 10 million dollar recording contract!"

"All of you White Castle Hamburger bigwigs should NEVER put a White Castle establishment in Peoria, Illinois!"

Now, I'll just step back and see what happens. I hope the White Castle one is effective, more than all the others!

Of course, the first experiment is with this blog. What will happen? Total domination of the blogosphere, or complete anonymity, in a pit of internet darkness forever. 

It's really up to you guys. 

No pressure.