Sunday, September 8, 2013


I'm sorry I didn't use my natural ability to play sports to get a higher education.

I'm sorry I didn't pursue my dream of becoming an entertainer 40 years ago.

I'm sorry I didn't maintain a healthy weight and maybe avoid diabetes.

I'm sorry I didn't treat my sister better in high school.

I'm sorry I still lose my temper and upset my family.

I'm sorry I didn't come to the rescue of that bear at the St. Louis Zoo, that some cruel guys were throwing lit cigarettes at, but I was too high on "acid" to help the poor thing.

I'm sorry I never made enough money to help my family in St. Louis.

I'm sorry I never went to Vietnam with my buddies.

I'm sorry I've spent money foolishly over the years instead of saving. 

I'm sorry I didn't visit my mom more.

I'm sorry I didn't show more respect and appreciation for my dad.

I'm sorry I've hurt those closest to me, and don't know how to fix it.

I'm sorry I introduced people to drugs in the past, and it caused them and their families misery and pain.

I'm sorry that I still have angry, immoral, selfish, covetous thoughts, even though I am a Christian.

God please forgive me!