Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Watch The "News" You Lose!

I have made a pledge to myself, and you folks, not to regurgitate the indecipherable "news" we are fed 24/7.

I just want to know how many of you have cut down, or completely stopped watching the "news," which is actually all OPINION now.

Example of news from 1959...

"A teenager was arrested for shoplifting at the mall (if there were any malls back then), liquor and cigarettes were found in his pants, he said he had no idea how the items got there."

Example of news in 2019...

"A young, vulnerable, person of color, was unfairly arrested at the mall, by the Nazi-like police, for allegedly having a few insignificant items in a safe area, that he had totally forgotten about. We know that minorities are persecuted every day at that mall, and this is just another example of bigoted, racial discrimination that needs to stop! At 5:00 pm, there will be a rally for Johnny, at the mall fountain! Be there...or be a racist!!"

Sound familiar?  Sure it does! 

Then, my friends, there is such a MAJOR difference  in "news" networks, as to how they "spin" their stories.


For example, here is how a MSNBC story might go...

"The infamous, corrupt, Russia collusion criminal, Donald Trump, was found collaborating with Vladimir Putin at a Las Vegas brothel, and handing him military secrets, billions of dollars in cash, and the deed to California!!

Here is how the Fox "news" story would go...

The BEST President in history, President Donald J. Trump, who has definitely made America great again, has skillfully used a venue no one would ever suspect, to have secret talks with Vladimir Putin, where Trump obtained military secrets, billions of dollars in cash, and a deed to Lake Baikal!! 

How far am I from the truth? "Not far, Danny! Not far," you all say in unison! 

So now I only watch about 2% of the "news" I used to watch, to get the basic drift of what's hapnin' in the whole wide worm. 

If I want pure truth, I either watch Ancient Aliens, on the History Channel, or The Curse Of Oak Island, on the History Channel, as well. 

My blood pressure cannot handle the loud, arguing, bickering, flip-flopping, untruths, falsehoods, character assassination, and outright lies on every "news" channel under the sun!

Ooops! Wrong clip! Or is it?

What ever happened to "straight" news, without the "spin," like in 1959?

Now, If you really want GOOD NEWS!