Thursday, April 10, 2014


Things That Bother Me
by Danny Maness

I try to talk to people,
Who keep texting constantly,
That's way up high upon my list,
Of things that bother me.

Folks who talk about their stuff,
Instead of family,
Their car and boat or island trip,
Are boring as can be.

They act as if I don't exist,
My words don't mean a thing,
To them I'm just a peon,
While they're a glorious King!

Another thing that irritates,
A real pain in the neck,
Is the one there in the checkout line,
Who waits to write her check!

She could have done it in advance,
Then just write in the total,
That bothers me an awful lot,
I'd rather hear pigs yodel!

It bothers me when parents curse,
With children on their knee,
But give them a swift backhand,
If they use profanity!

You're waiting for the light to change,
From red to go go green,
But when it finally changes,
It always goes unseen,

By the girl who's on her cell phone,
Or the guy who's high on "grass",
It bothers me so very much ,
I'd like to kick!

The super rude who let their doggies,
In my front yard doo-doo,
And never bring a baggie,
That bugs me through and through!

The hip hop lover in his car,
Who has the volume high,
The bass notes shake my household,
And makes our Yorkie cry!

It bothers me an eensy bit,
When a "leader" tells a lie,
When hopes and dreams are shattered,
By this crooked, phony guy!

I usually am not the kind,
To gripe and whine, you see,
But it helps to get things off my chest,
Bout the things that bother me.