I keep forgetting my blog is not for you. It's not to entertain you, or make you laugh, or inform you about things.
It's for me. It's a kind of therapy for me, a catharsis.
- 1.the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.So, why should I feel down when I only get a handful of likes or views on my blog?I desperately need to release my strong or repressed emotions whether you care or not.I am happy when one of my blog posts touches a heart or causes a smile, but I selfishly write this blog for me.Besides having a loving, forgiving, understanding wife, family, and friends, sharing my feelings this way has been one of the best things I've ever done to keep my fragile sanity.The privilege of prayer, having a church family, and building my faith in God has been truly amazing. Being able to share my deep love of Jesus through my singing at Christ Bible Church has been an undeserved blessing beyond anything I could have ever imagined, and letting what's in my heart flow out of me is true healing for my soul.So, I'll keep writing, singing, and sharing for my own mental health reasons, and if someone else can relate, find encouragement, or laugh a bit, that's awesome!