Monday, October 7, 2019

Weekend Glitch Is The Only Answer!

I was a bit downhearted to see my Fun Page views cut in half over the wild weekend. That's ridiculee! I always get a LOT of views over the weekend, because more folks see my obscure blog over the 3 day period. But, alas, and alack, failure ensued.

I'm sure it was just a glitch in the blogosphere, but it was still a bit disconcerting. 

I try to avoid all the conspiracy theories, like, Russia does not want me spewing my anti-commie rhetoric all over the blogosphere (whoops, I used the word blogosphere already), internet, although I'm not intelligent enough to spew anti-commie rhetoric, anyways.(I'll leave that to Lush Rimbald)

Of course, the Trump Disintegration would not be loving my anti-Trump rhetoric, either, if I had any anti-Trump rhetoric, I've inadvertently, propagated. 

Who? Me?

Don't you feel we I analyze stuff too much, as it is? 

Sure you do! So why don't I just accept the fact that I'm a big poo poo head and nobody loves me anymore!

On the other hand, if I do that, the Russians win, or whomever is out to totally destroy my unique, iconoclastic blog!

Bloggadocious 222 must go on, to de-feet the enemy, so they can't walk over the ocean and stomp on America, as if we were little bugs!

Conversely, we here at Bloogadocious 222 are peaceful, fun loving, childlike creatures, who are DEFINITELY NOT aliens from the Sirius (dog star) system, who are pretending to be peaceful and fun loving, but once we have you sucked in, will turn on you earthlings, and turn you into potted plants for our Sirian brethren and sistern to enjoy!! Ha ha ha ha ha!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

"Danny! Are you serious?"

"NO! I am SIRIUS..or, uh, from Sirius..well, the Sirius system, because stars are too hot to live on. 

Just kidding folks!! I hope you did not take me Sirius I mean, serious-ly. 

Where was I?

You Folks - "You were talking about the dismal amount of views on your blog."

Dismal? I never said dismal, did I? I prefer glitch, as previously stated! (The blank space below is a glitch. See, it happens all the tom!)


      • "Pitifully or disgracefully BAD!"

I prefer glitch!

Please prove it was only a glitch, by stopping by and stating Hi, today!!

Don't forget...Danny's not an E.T., Danny's not an alien, Danny's not an E.T., Danny's not an alien...

II'm not'm not an E.TI'm not an E.T