Monday, April 29, 2019

Please Do NOT Mention L.T.W. In Public!

My Bloggadocious 222 blog is NOT some kind of secret society, like the Illuminati, but it does have it's special code and clues that only the most faithful readers will understand.

Of course, I cannot reveal anything about the code, or the clues, or EVERYBODY will know the ways of the Bloggas!

Click here for dramatic music.

For many millennia of time, across the wide spectrum of civilization, through the vast wilderness of transmigratory nomadic travel, we see absolutely no record of the "Bloggas!" That's what makes you so special! Why, even the BIG EYE of the IRS knows not of your existence!! 

They especially don't know about the L.T.W. code, which I beg you, should NEVER be repeated, or placed in the message box, or in the Facebook comments section, for fear of giving away our whole worldwide operation!

Just imagine the Chinese government cracking the L.T.W. code! We would be doomed to suffer the consequences until, uh..."doomsday!"

So, please, refrain from placing L.T.W. in the comments section, even though there are "forces" that are pressuring our minds to do so! 

It's important that we appear to be an innocent blog family, out to have a little fun and frolic, whilst all along we are planning something that will TOTALLY shock the world some sweet day! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha haaaa! (Those were evil, echoing ha ha's, like in horror flicks)

Please don't feel left out if you don't comprehend the L.T.W. code, you are probably better off not knowing. 

You see, most of the world's problems stem from ignorance and fear of the unknown.  Especially when it comes to other people. 

"That person is weird, because of his/her different clothing!" "What a weirdo to like hip-hop music!" "You know, having a chicken as a pet is really weird!" 

However...our secret code at this blog is L.T.W., or Love The Weirdos, because all of us have weird idiosyncrasies that others do not understand.

Some words of encouragement from Bill Murray (It just doesn't matter!)

We are ALL weirdos in one way or another, so by loving the weirdos we eliminate the hypocritical biases that cause arguments, fights, and even wars!

Remember, this is all hush, hush, because if this info gets into the wrong hands "THEY" could disrupt our love a weirdo campaign!

All of you sweet "Bloggas" must continue on, very stealthily, to support, comfort, and cheer on the weirdos of the world, like you and me! (I know you're weird, because you read this blog every day) 

If we do, one day the peace, love, tranquility, gentleness, laughter, and pure joy will circumnavigate the globe as sunshine warms the entire surface of this big blue ball we love to call Earth, except for Antarctica and the North Pole, which do get sunshine, but not a whole lot of warmth. 

The great Magellan!

Don't forget...