Monday, December 30, 2019

60,000 Views On My Blog!!!!!

  1. 1.
    a stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place.
  2. 2.
    an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
    "the speech is being hailed as a milestone in race relations"

When we speak of milestones in our lives, we think of marriage, having children, beginning a career, discovering the Greg and Dan Radio to Greg and Dan Show...

However, reaching 60,000 views on my blog is a MAJOR milestone, of monumental, momentous magnificence for me!!

Think about it, folks! A stadium that holds 60,000 people is a really big stadium! An individual that lived 60,000 years would be quite elderly! $60,000 is more money than I'VE ever seen! Imagine having 60,000 cockroaches crawling around your kitchen?!! 60,000 marauding Macedonians would be terrifying, if you were the one being marauded!!

The point being, 60,000 is a whole lot!! So, I'm totally flabbergasted that I have reached 60,000 (actually, it's only 59, 994 right now, but by the time you read this it should be 60K) views in my lifetime!!

It goes without saying, that the reason I have 60,000 views is due to all of YOU, YOU, YOU!!! So I won't mention it. 

Just funnin' wit ya! 

Ya know, when you write a madcap, zany, insane blog, like I do, you need a lot of crazy readers to support you! Who have that bizarre sense of humor, understand the hidden messages, are not politically correct, are not overly sensitive snowflakes, and don't take life too seriously...which reminds me of a song I wrote about 60,000 years ago...

Yeah! I'm talkin' about all you guys and gals who continue to support this wacky blog consistently! 

It's really good that I'm telling you this now, because when I get up into the stratosphere of millions of views, I will probably forget about all of you who supported me in the beginning.

Just pullin' your legs, folks! I just wanted to share my joy with all my friends who make me feel like a REAL blogger!

Love you!!!