Monday, September 19, 2011

Right now, I can only offer my humble, heartfelt thanks until the time I can shower them in cold hard cash! (Click on this jingle now!)
Above is the jingle I wrote for the Greg and Dan radio show. John Farmer and I recorded it at his Blue Civilian Studio . I can't remember when I had so much fun! We were laughing so hard we could hardly finish the crazy thing.
John also helped me record the best song I've ever written; "Mind To Mind And Heart To Heart."

My plan is that when my songs and books become universally adored by billions of people I will pay back everyone who has helped me. The list includes John Farmer, Greg Batton, my sister Dee-Dee, Mary Greenhood, Marty Wombacher, my wife Donna, Josh Starkey, Dan Sidell, Dan Thies, Jason Heath and a few others.
Right now, I can only offer my humble, heartfelt thanks until the time I can shower them in cold hard cash!

God’s Way of Letting You Know
You Don’t Have A Car.

By a steamed author, Danny Maness.
Wow! This book is funny already. Saying, “a steamed” author instead of esteemed author. I wonder if the whole book will be filled with this hilarious wordplay? Oh, I hope so. I love jabberwocky! For instance; In the town, where I was bored, lived a bad, who sailed to seed, and he told me of his lice, in the lad of soobmarines, so, he sailed unto the suds, ‘till he found the sea of greed, and he libs beneath the wabes, in his yallow soobmarine!
O.K. now. I forgot to put acknowledgments in my first book, so, I’ll put them on the next page if that fuits yer sancy. HA! Look! A classic “word whip” as it might have been done by Shake- Spear himself. Hey! Just a rootin’ tootin’ second! I’m writing the book, so I can put ANYTHING I want in this thang! I can even do a big run on paragraph if I want. How cool is dat!!?? Did you see that? I put 2 exclamation points and 2 question marks and no one stopped me. This is exciting! WHO DARES TO VENTURE INTO THE UNCHARTED WATERS OF MY, silly little, MIND! YOU DARE? WHO DARE? WHAT YOU GONNA DO DARE? THIS IS FUN!


Jason Heath is a brilliant artist who did the illustrations for my first book, “Chicken’s Butts and Coconuts Will Ultimately Make Or Break You” and this book, “Hitchen’, God’s Way Of Letting You Know You Don’t Have A Car!” The reason it looks like he drew the cartoons in 5 minutes is because I asked him to do it that way. I wanted them kind of primitive looking and he did a fabulous job didn’t he? Thanks Jason! You are, hereby ACKNOWLEDGED!

Marty Wombacher has written the funniest books I have ever read! “ 99 Beers Off The Wall” made me laugh so hard I was literally afraid to read the next page because my gut was aching so bad from laughing! He has helped me to become a better writer and I owe him a lot! (I think it’s about $47.00, at last count.) If you think I’m funny, you’ll adore Marty’s stuff! If you don’t think I’m funny, go to H-E double hockey sticks! Marty! You’ve been ACKNOWLEDGED!

Rick Robberson is forthwith acknowledged as a great and cool friend. When you said you liked my book I was encouraged to the max, because you’re one of the funniest guys I’ve ever known!


Benji Boo Boo, our Yorkie, is ACKNOWLEDGED for always making us happy! Benji Wenji, Benji Boo, Benji Wenji, we love you!

I am proud and honored to ACKNOWLEDGE my beautiful, gorgeous, sexy wife who never, ever gives up on me, even when I’m ready to “throw in the towel” about 5 times a day! You’re my Angel!