Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday Special...Features Extra-Terrestrial Thanksgiving!!

As our beloved extra-terrestrials meandor around  this mysterious place they've found themselves in, that SEEMS like paradise, but may be fake heaven, they are confronted with another interesting creature, who is a very bouncy and enthusiastic tortoise!

Tortoise - Come, you must! Celebrating Thanksgiving, we are! Hurry, we need to!!

Rosie " Okay, okay! But why are you talking like Yoda?

Tortoise - "A cousin of mine, he is! Much stronger in the "force," I am!"

Gary - "Wha!! No one is stronger in the "force" than Yoda!  That's blasphemy! Come out of your shell and fight me, you slow slug!!"

At that, Gary finds himself underneath the quick as lightnin" tortoise, in a debilitating wrestlin' hold!! 

Tortoise -"Uncle, say!!"

Gary - "Uncle!"

Say Uncle

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"Say 'uncle'!" is a North American expression demanding that the opponent in a contest submit. The response "Uncle!" is equivalent to "I give up" and indicates submission.

The tortoise releases Glirkazoid Gary, and simply beckons them to follow, which they do without hesitation, due to the fact that this tortoise is profoundly and fully filled with fountains of the force!

Rosie - "Look, Gary! That table must be 100 metrixes long, and filled with every variety of food to the MAX!!'

Gary - " Yeah, buddy! And lookie dare, entities from all over the multiple universes are assembled at the table to feast! Just like we do on our home planet of Glirka,  to thank God for giving us an abundance of stuff! Except we only allow pure blood Glirkazoids to partake of the food, as the "outsiders" slave for us."

Rosie - "Well, maybe this is a superior idea, Gary. Including EVERYBODY in the feasting, because we all serve the same God, namely Okrozhka!"

Instantly, the creatures at the table, who overheard Rosie, begin to say, "Okrozhka is not OUR God, we worship..." and then they begin naming the names of their personal Gods, like Qwertyyuiop...Vesxmeonoz...Wzyaqideam...Fred ... and the arguing, bickering, yelling and screaming becomes so intense, everyone leaves the Thanksgiving table!!

Gary - "Wow! From ancient Earth documentaries I've watched, this is like Thanksgiving in America 
, circa 2020!"

Rosie - "What have I done? I've ruined Thanksgiving in paradise! That's got to be about the worse thing a soul could do!!"

Tortoise - "Worry, you need not! Okay, everything will be! "Worry, you need not! Okay, everything will be! (Now the words begin to echo) "Worry, you need not! Okay, everything will be! "Worry, you need not! Okay, everything will be! 

The scene changes and we see Rosie and Gary waking up on the poop deck of the Silver Sausage Spazeship!

Gary - "Wha happen? Last thing I merember was being struck by a big asteroid on our way to Qzykranious, girl!"

Rosie - "I had the weirdest dream, Gary! I dreamed we woke up in Paradise where entities were claiming to be God, and we could wish for anythang we wanted and receive it, and I ruined Thanksgiving, because of my BIG MOUSE MOUTH!!

Gary - "Oh, shut up! We're not gonna end this story with a Bobby Ewing finale, are we?"

Rosie - "No, no! We're not ending this story, because we haven't resolved the dispute on Ozykranious yet!"

Gary - "Forget that stupid, fight, Rosie! No one can settle the conflict between meat eaters and plant eaters, so this is our final episode of this story...okay?"

Rosie - "Otay! However, next time we celebrate Thanksgiving on Glirka, let's invite non-Glirkazoids to eat, to show what a kind and loving race we are."

Gary - "Surely, as long as we can make fun of their bizarre eating habits!"

Rosie - Very well, but don't call me Shirley!