My Mother's Day Message For Donna, My Mom In Heaven, And All The Magnificent Moms In The World!!
Ephesians 6:2-3 New International Version (NIV)
2 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”[a]
Although the bible says we should honor our father and mother everyday, a lot of folks forget, or have never read the bible, so in America we have special days set aside for honoring our moms and dads.
One of them is called, "Mother's Day."
Believe it or not, Mother's Day is upon us! Sunday will be the day we take special care to remember and honor our mothers.
My mom went to heaven a number of years ago, but how I still remember the laughter and joy she brought to us kids and others.
She was always singing and dancing, telling funny stories, and teaching us things about showing love and compassion to folks not us fortunate as we were, which seemed a bit odd, since we were far from rich.
In the past I've written about her providing for the homeless, and ANYONE in need, but she made sure all of her 6 kids never made fun of, or looked down upon people "down on their luck."
On the other hand, she could be very outspoken when it came to her freedom to be who she wanted to be, and our freedom to be who we wanted to be, as her children.
Although she was an old fashioned, discipline minded mom, she allowed us to spread our wings and fly as far as we could, as we grew older. I still appreciate that in my senior years.
Another great mom, is my wife, Donna!
Her sweet love and compassion for her children is beyond my comprehension! (but, I'm a guy, so..)
I never knew the meaning of unconditional love, until I saw her in action!
Kids get in trouble, and I begin to think it's time to give up and give in. That thought never even enters her mind! Donna continues to cherish her children exactly the same way she always has, no matter what! Her love is like God's love! We constantly mess up, but His love remains the same. Wonderful!
In the past, she was a single mom, doing her best to raise her kids in a the best way she knew how. It was a struggle! However, she tells me that it was her kids that kept her going, along with her faith in God!
Donna still has sleepless nights worrying about her children and grandchildren, and she always will. That's the way she is. That's the way she was created.
I'm sure most of you see similarities here with your mom. Some folks have written to me, after I wrote something about my cool mom, and said they had a mom who was NOT cool, or nice, or loving, or even walked out on them!
I am so sorry if that's your heartbreaking story. Kids deserve a good mom. But even if that was your sad experience, you can often think of someone who cared about you, held you, protected you, in the absence of mom.
I'm extremely fortunate to have had such a close relationship with my own marvelous mom, and Donna, my wife, who has taught me what real, unconditional love is all about!!!
Happy Mother's Day to my mom in heaven, Donna, the sweetest mom I know, and all the magnificent moms out there!!!