Political Correctness Is Feckless
It's so hard being perfect in a politically correct world. Especially when you're 69 years old, forgetful and set in your ways, like someone I know. Me.
I never knew I was a racist, Islamophobe, homophobe, zenophobe, and white suppremicist, until recently. It comes as a big surprise, because I kinda like everybody that's nice to me, in spite of their race, national origin, or sexual orientation, which I NEVER ask about!
I do get a bit perturbed when someone tells me I'm not eating the politically acceptable foods, or not using gender neutral language, but that rarely happens, due to the fact I always look cranky, and no one wants to set me off. An ugly scowl can be a blessing at times.
My biggest problem in this P.C. generation is trying to remember all the rules!
Should I hug a female of the opposite sex, or not? Is it proper to eat a pork chop sandwich while sitting next to a rabbi? Would I be in trouble if I told my grandkids that someone walking down the street looked weird? If I offered a homeless guy a job, would that be an insult to him? Is it unlawful to bop a bully in the nose? Can I still dress up in a Frankenstein's Monster costume on Halloween and terrify the little chitlins coming to my door? If I have a brief conversation with a local police officer, am I considered fraternizing with the enemy by left leaning individuals? Is putting my dog on a leash to take him for a walk considered doggie abuse, by P.E.T.A., or is swatting a fly insect abuse?

Scary stuff! According to a lot of frustrated folks, we are destined to burn in Hades for an eternity by violating ANY of their made up rules...if they believed in Hades...and they don't.
In conclusion (you thought it would NEVER come, right?), remember what this legendary singer sang so many moons ago, that describes the attitude of the self centered "elite" finger pointers of the 21st century....
This video nailed it, right? Right? Maybe not.