Tuesday, July 2, 2019

No P.C. Police In The 50's!

Tuesday's blog begins in...

Click on above video, or you won't know what I'm talking about...as if that's anything new.

Wasn't that exciting? You bet your bippy, it was!!

So many days and nights I've longed to write a blog posting that would entirely change the bad attitude and strange social mores of this odd place you love to call earth.

Not that the literal earth has a bad attitude, but there are a lot of free thinkers, shall we say,  that make life much more "interesting" for the rest of us! Who's with me!!

Well, umm, even if I have to conquer these thingy's alone, I WILL, by golly, by gum! 

For instance, gender identity was absolutely no problem in the 50's! It was like Archie Bunker would sing...♪♪ girls were girls and men were men..♪♪

Don't get me wrong. I'm not disrespecting ANYONE with a gender identity selection different than my own. Whatever floats your boat, Admiral!

It was just less confusing way back when. You'd jump out of the shower, take a look in the mirror and you were good with your gender! Nobody ever questioned it!

Okay, some may have questioned it, but to most of us it was self explanatory! 

Liberace questioned his gender identity, but his fans didn't catch on for years. Man we were dumb!

It was really a shock to find out that the dangerously handsome, rugged, dashing ladies man, Rock Hudson, questioned his gender identity!

Let me double down on my earlier statement of pure truth. I'm not in any way, shape, or form judging gender identity people, whatever tickles your tussie! 

Then there is Raymond Burr! What? The big, burly actor who played rough and tumble gangsters in the 50's and then Perry Mason, and then Ironsides?! No way!! 

I think you'd agree that Gomer Pyle (AKA Jim Nabors) was the most surprising GI guy, right? 

I'm very thankful I was bored and raged in the 50's and 60's where life was easier to figure out. 

The kids today are given too many choices that we never had to make!

They can choose their gender, race, religion, food, t.v. shows, hairstyles, drugs...the list goes on and on!

We were stuck with the gender we were born with, the race we were born with, the religion our parents chose, the food that was put on the table, t.v. shows dad wanted to watch (like Perry Mason), crew cuts for boys and pony tails for girls, and drugs did not exist back then in our neighborhood, so that's a moot point. 

Was it really better back then? I don't know!