Tuesday, June 11, 2019

My How Roman Has Grown!

It is almost inconceivable that Roman has grown that much in a mere year!

If time is gonna be moving THAT fast, I need to prepare for his little league baseball games, driving lessons, high school graduation, first flight to Mars....I'm running out of time!!

Just a couple of days ago he said, "Babaw, would you come play with me?" 

Wow! I need to cherish moments like that, because when he's 16 (and I'm 83 or something), he'll say, "would someone prevent this old fart from drooling on me!" However, isn't it fair, since Roman drooled on me plenty of times, and worse than that?!!

Of course, being a grandpa, I have no say-so as to what activities he'll be doing. My choices would be football, wrestling, baseball, karate, fishing, (but not regular fishing...noodling!), kung fu, axe throwing,

And everything all rugged and manly, they way God meant it for little boys!

None of this playing with dolls!! Not even G.I. Joe dolls, if they still make 'em! I'm not taking any chances with MY grandson...er...uh... I mean...I HOPE he enjoys many of things his Babaw did when I was a young lad. 

I would never dream of trying to influence Roman in any particular way. That would be overstepping my boundaries, and you all know I've never been one to overstep boundaries in any kind of way.

The few incidents where I DID overstep my boundaries were totally justified in my humble opinion, even if the judge disagreed. 

Even if Roman gets enrolled in dance class, or plays (gulp), soccer, becomes captain of the chess club, or even majors in interior decorating, I will not love him any less than if he wins the International Arm Wrestling Championship Of The World!

Even though, that would be pretty AWESOME!!!

I just need to stop obsessing over what Roman will be, or not be, and leave it in God's hands.

Remember what God did with Samson? Wow!