A few of you kind, sweet indivisibles have read my second book, Hitchin'... God's Way Of Letting You Know You Don't Have A Car, and were shocked, amazed, and somewhat confused to learn I had hitchhiked across America back in the 60's and early 70's.
I began my longest trek when I started from Phoenix, Arizona, thumbed my way to L.A., next stop was Big Sur, to Stanford University, then San Francisco, across the Golden Gate Bridge (or was it the Bay Bridge) to Berkeley, California, over to Lake Tahoe, way across the country to Boulder, Colorado, and finally back home to St. Louis, Missouri.
I took the time to draw a detailed map of the historic trip, for your edification:
Disclaimer: Hitchhiking is a very dangerous and foolhardy thing to do in the 21st century. The writer of this blog is not condoning or encouraging this stupid behavior in any way, shape, or form.
It was not as life threatening 40+ years ago when I did it, but I am still very fortunate to have survived these adventures into the realms of the mysterious, dark highways of "hitchin," as we liked to call it back then.
I really wish I had tom to tell you all of the places I've been to, interesting people I've met, & things I've done whilst "hitchin" the winding ribbons of roads in what I like to call HAmerica.
However, Tom went to that "Big Highway In The Sky," so I'll have to tell you myself. (Well, I hope he went to the "Highway In The Sky" and not the other direction.
In my book, Hitchin'...God's Way Of Letting You Know You Don't Have A Car, I give you all the details and helpful hints about hitchhiking, but to be honest, I learned everything from one of the greatest comedy movies ever made..."It Happened One Night," with "dashing," Clark Gable, and adorable little Claudette Colbert.
<<<Watch this...It will make your day!
I think it was the sad, pitiful, pathetic look on my face that got me the most rides. (See above clip)
Why, even now I think you would give me a ride if you saw my face, wouldn't you?
Come on! Is this the face of a serial killer?

Kind of makes you want to go out and do some hitchhiking, huh, kids? (GULP!)
Anyway, I'm not gonna go into any of my spine tingling tales of the open road today, because I want to save them for other "Travelin' Tuesdays" in the future!
What? You can't wait!
Okay, okay, just one!
I arrived in sunny Los Angeles, Calleefornia by way of a guy who let me drive his car there from Phoenix, because he was tired.
My very next ride was one I should have declined, but I didn't want to hurt the dude's feelings.
He was driving a parking lot sweeper (true story), and he would drive a few blocks, and sweep a parking lot, drive a few blocks, and sweep a parking lot, etc...
Well, you learn from your mistakes...
One more thing!
Since this is "Travelin' Tuesdays," and it's snowing here today, I'm including a song I wrote, but was performed by a guy in Nashville.
Gently sweep your cursor arrow under "Cold Country Blues," and the link to the song will magically appear!