Saturday, February 4, 2023

Here is my Valentine's wish to you, that your heart shall never be blue,

that the Lord shall answer all your prayers, with blessings far beyond compare,

and all the good you've done for friends, comes back to you ten times ten.

Here is my Valentines wish today, that sweet happiness never flies away,

for you are kind in every way, and may your joy increase on every day,

and when you think of me you'll smile, like I did when you walked down the aisle.

Be my Valentine forever, even to eternity,

Yes, we'll always be together, Donna D. and Danny B.

Here is my Valentine's song this year, throw away all dread and fear,

let your heart be lifted up, may God fill your silver cup.

Here is my Valentine's song my love, we've always fit like hand in glove,

Nothing can separate our bond, we'll stand strong when all else is gone.

Friday, January 20, 2023

 Students...the word for today is fab·u·list

  1. a person who composes or relates fables.
    • liar, especially a person who invents elaborate, dishonest stories.
      For instance, he's a born fabulist, with an imagination unfettered by the laws of logic and probability"

George Santos is a fabulist, or is it Anthony Devolder,

It seems that all throughout his life, his lies keep getting bolder,

He said he went to Horace Mann, a prestigious New York High School,

But the school says he was never there, and lying isn't cool.

His college days, he said, we're great, he was a volleyball hero,

But when checking all the records. his college days were zero.

He worked at Goldman Sachs, he claims, it's a job that he enjoyed,

But Goldman Sachs has said , he was never there employed.

A fabulist would say, he is A Friend Of Pets,

and recued 2500 dogs and cats, one owned by a disabled vet,

But no one can find any evidence, of his being kind,

In fact it seems the money for that dog, they cannot find.

Is he crazy, or just lost, did his folks die in the holocaust,

Is he straight or is he gay, has all the evidence blown away,

So many fables on his list, I think you've got the gist,

He's not an amazing dude, he's just a fabulist.