Saturday, January 23, 2021

Freewheelin' Friday Folks! 

I'm calling this blog posting "Freewheelin' Friday," because I have no idea what I'll be writing about! 

I'm just making it up as I go along with no preconceived ideas to stifle free flowing thought.

My brain leads me to a place of happiness and frolicking in the in the midst of a cold January morn. 

Me thou art a friend of fearless frolicking for fun, folks!

However, not until spring bursts forth in it's radiant majesty and glory...because I don't wanna freeze my butt off!

My semi-lucid mind keeps returning to the time when candy bars were 5 cents and I would frolic down the avenue with a pure sense of well being, knowing that things would NEVER change. 


Well, this brings me to the point of this blog. I just came up with the point!

No matter what you do! 

No matter what happens to you!

Don't let this world make you blue!!


And don't forget to permitting!!!