Monday, May 27, 2019

Please Stop And Think Of What Could Have Been...Without Our Heroes!

I don't do a serious blog, but there are times when I need to share my real feelings on how God has blessed us in America.

Imagine how terrifying it would have been to see Hitler's tanks rolling down the streets of America after our losing World War Two.

Japanese planes flying overhead in triumph.

Not knowing if we were soon to be executed, or placed in concentration camps.

Maybe, if we survived, being enslaved by cruel "masters" who could torture or kill us at at their whim. 

I am totally convinced that Hitler would have treated us no better than the 6 million Jews he exterminated!

If not exterminated, we would have seen our American culture, language, religious freedom, and history completely eliminated!

All of these things, I truly believe,  are a very accurate picture of what might have been, if not for the self sacrificing Americans who gave their precious lives to keep us free!

To take this even further back, would slavery had ended without the ultimate sacrifice of the Union soldiers, who put the freedom of a persecuted minority ahead of their own lives?

On Memorial Day we take time to thank these men and women for not only fighting for our liberty, but giving EVERYTHING to preserve our freedom!

Stop and think about what our lives would be like without their unbelievably loving sacrifice, and thank God for this "greatest generation" of people who never failed in their mission, even to the point of sacrificing themselves for all of us!