Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What Does Garbage Day Mean To You?

Today is "garbage day" for us. Every Wednesday. Some call it "trash day." Others call it "refuse removal day." I think that's what they say in rich neighborhoods. In England, I imagine they say "rubbish removal day." "Some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade, um hem."

I lost my train of thought for a second. Got off track, and derailed my brain for a bit. 

What I was getting at, before I rudely interrupted myself, is that "trash day" is so noisy!

It's always been noisy. Remember when we all had metal garbage cans, and it was metal against metal banging against our brains as we tried to sleep? 

What I don't get is why it's even noisier today, when we all have plastic garbage cans!

I think it's the super loud trash trucks that boom me out of bed every Wednesday, like the sonic booms that were created by jets as they broke the sound barrier over my St. Louis home when I was a kid. (A little aerodynamic history for ya)

The brakes sound like tortured banshees (I know I used the banshee word in a recent blog article, but it just seemed to fit here), and the mechanical thing that lifts the can and bang, bang, bangs it against the tail of the truck, and then along with the the crusher mechanism, is louder than the entire Industrial Revolution!!

The Industrial Revolution In All It's Glory

Can't they put soft rubber cushion things on the metal parts to make them a bit quieter? Change their brake pads more often? Spray WD40 on the squeaky areas, so we can get some sleep?

An ancient query for you...Do you put your garbage can out the night before or on the morning of "refuse removal day?" 

Personally, I wait until morning, because I don't want any delinquent street urchins spilling my trash all over creation in the middle of the night!

A big drawback to that is when you're lying in bed and vaguely hear the rumblings of the garbage truck coming down the street, and you have to put on some clothing, empty the house trash into the big garbage can outside, and take it to the curb as fast as Wudy The Wabbitt, before the garbage guy can gleefully pass your house!!

I'm dying to know what your preference is when it comes to putting out your garbage can the night before or on the DAY.

What are your most interesting garbage day stories?

Did raccoons ever invade your private trash receptacle? 

Is dumpster diving something you enjoy? 

In conclusion...Never throw ashes from your grill into the garbage can! You'll probably get a nasty note from your garbage man, like I did. I don't blame him. That was kinda dumb for me to do that. Who wants to breathe in that charcoal dust that can cause 
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis! I sure don't! 

Bonus question...What is the longest word in the dictionary?