Sunday, August 4, 2013



For many, many years we had our annual 4th of July family picnic at Tower Grove Park, smack dab in the middle of Grand, Arsenal, Kingshighway, and Magnolia streets. (The park wasn't actually IN the streets, but surrounded by them.)

Tower Grove wasn't your average, ordinary city park with just trees, a playground, picnic tables and such.

It had cool architecture and an antique swimming pool for the kiddies that was only about a foot deep, but that was good enough for us on a blazing St. Louis 4th of July.

You what?

You want to see what it looks like? 


Alexander van Humboldt...Explorer

Griffin...No not Andy Griffin!

Better view of the Griffin...Fierce looking!

I want a strawberry sundae!

Looks like ancient ruins from a bygone civilization to me.

What's all that crap on the island? Looks like ancient litter!

What a cool bridge! Love the red balls!

The Muckerman Fountain ...With a name like Muckerman it has to be good! Couldn't resist that!

What gloryossity of beautificness at TGP! Me likey!

What's this? Are we in China now? Still Tower Grove Park!!!

My man! Beethoven! No wonder I love this park!

More ancient alien very cool!

They thought the rocks were so cool they got married there!

Another architectual eye pleaser to delight your eyeballs!

Don't think pink!

Tribute to a deer,,,how touching!

1870 and it still looks good! 

"Soft, what light through yonder winder breaks!"

I think somebody traveled to China...and liked it!

Ain't this real different? I like it, I like it!

This is where we used to swim when we were little!
I think..uh.. I'm not sure... but it looked like this.
Anyway, it's way cooler than a regular park pool!

Now can you see why I loved going to Tower Grove Park as a kid? There were so many unique things to see, that made me feel like I had traveled the world! 

I wonder if Tower Grove Park is still there, or if they've paved it over and put up a parking lot?
PLease God, no!