Thursday, March 18, 2021

My Farewell Tour Returns!

The population  of the world in 2021 is  7,874,965,825.

So you can see how frustrating it is to only receive 16 views on my blog yesterday...out of 7,874,965,825 indivisibles. 

It almost makes me want to do a farewell tour, like I've done numerous times before. 

Yes, I know I don't have 7,874,965,825 Fazebook friends, or Parler patrons, or YouTube followers, but "come on, man" (to quote a great orator), only SIXTEEN views? 

15 is close enough. 

Who, or WHAT can I blame for this lack of interest in Bloggadocious 222?

1. The pandemic...of course. 

2. You guys...and gals. Who may not depreciate my genius brain. However, if you're reading this, you DO depreciate my genius brain! Thank you!!

3. Those cockadoodie AlGore rhythms! It could be that 7, 874,965, 809 are not even seeing my incomparable blog, due to those durn AlGore rhythms!! 

4. Space aliens are blocking my bizarre blog from your beautiful brains, because they realize I have all the secrets of the universe that you underdeveloped earthlings are not ready to assimilate. 

In conclusion, if my blog simply disappears from the face of the earth, you'll all know it wasn't MY fault, it was Trump's fault, or Pelosi's fault, or my shrink's fault, or fluoridated water, or my unexplained rash, or ANYTHING other than my incompetence!

We do?