Wednesday, March 23, 2016


We cannot even remotely dream of the ways our super legendary, um, legends, Rosie and Gary, tool around their universe, and all the OTHER universes that float aimlessly in the middle of the "grand universe," that is nicknamed, Wilbur! 


Our beloved spazetronauts will go to the distant reaches of Wilbur, using a sophisticated warp drive system that propels the Silver Sausage at mega-light speeds...which is faster than a fat man going to Golden Corral Buffet!!

In addition, they utilize time travel, which Rosie calls tom travel, due to her cute accent... inter-dimensional travel, which means traveling to different, diverse, disorganized sailing, with golden wings, powered by the sun, kind of like Daedalus and Icarus, with better results! (You remember what happened to Icarus, don't you?) 

They can also travel by mind bicycle, which uses the power of the mind to create an energy packed, virtual spaze  bicycle, that can be utilized in the case of extreme emergency, where freakin' fear provides the stimulus to make it actually work!

What's the point of all this, you axe so National Enquirerly?

The point is that anytime you see what you perceive to be a mistake about dates, ages, epochs, know... like when I say something was a billion years ago, but in the next episode it was a TRILLION years's just the fact that Gary and Rosie are always changing from one time to another, or one dimension to another, and everything is in constant flux!

It is NOT that the writer of this blog is so old and forgetful, he can't remember what he wrote last week, let alone a year or more ago!!

Now, where was I?

Don't tell me, it was only 30 seconds ago!! 

Oh, well. How have you been doing? 

Hey, Big Gaz! I absolutely loved your last Bogan News! The chickens and cows blowing up are AWESOME!! 

Rhymesauce, hows about this for the subject matter of a rhyme...Toilets, commodes, eternally slandered, Eljer, Kohler, and American Standard!!

Dear Mim, did you get your new computer yet? I hope so! Of course, how can you answer me if...


Cool! I was just about to begin Episode One in the latest OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY series!!

My reality fades in and out, like the sound of an A.M. radio, in a car, whilst driving up and down the Ozark mountains! 

The Silver Sausage spazeship was in perfect condition! 

All of the newest, state-of-the-art, shiny gadgets, and Glirkazoidian whatchamacallits of high tech scientifical advancements was incorporated into the ship's infrastructure. 

Gary - "Gee willikers, Rosie! The Silver Sausage has the WORKS!"

Rosie - "Indeed it do, Gary!
"New, sophisticated weapons systems...communication devices that wll allow us to talk with ANY life form...a billion toms faster warp speed...easier tom travel, inter dimensional travel, solar sailing, and mind bicycling!!!"

Solar Sailor 

Gary - "What are you talking about? By the WORKS, I meant the new pin ball machine and COFFEE MACHINE in one! Oh, baby, that's what I'm talkin' about!!!"

Rosie - "I should have known, "skeezix!"

Gary - "Rosie, I'm getting a text message on my flip phone, from the ancient, High Glirkheads!" (He is so excited he stumbles across the whole deck, running for his seldom used flip phone!)

Rosie - " The High Glirkheads may be the wisest, all knowingest, prophet-like dudes on our planet, but high tech, they are NOT! 

Gary - (On the phone) "Uh-huh. You don't say! You don't say!! Yeah. You DON'T SAY!!!" (He flips the flip phone closed)

Rosie - "What is our new mission, bojangles?" (The Bojangles was in reference to his little "dance" he did across the deck)

Gary - "They didn't say! Haha! Just funnin' wit ya, Rosie!! 
"Our mission, if we decide to accept it, is to travel to the farthest reaches of Wilbur, and bring back the Golden Chicken of Kluck, which the Sophomorusians swiped from the Glirkazoid Museum Of Chicken Shaped Artifacts, 222,000 spazeyears ago!"

Rosie - "What do you mean, "if we decide to accept it." We have no choice! It's do it, or get totally emulsificated by the Supreme High Glirkheads!" 

Wowie zowie!! What an amazingly cool and bizarre beginning, to what will prove to be one of the GREATEST adventures of all adventures, of ANY adventurers, super heroes, or even SUPERMAN kind of characters of all tom!!!!

Join us next week for Episode Two of OUT OF THIS WORLD 
WEDNESDAY...if ya got the guts!!!