Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Formerly Beautiful Cities In Peril!

I try not to watch the news as much as I used to, because it's so maddening, but I stumbled across something about the once beautiful cities that have now deteriorated into "trash heaps" in recent years.

I'm sure it's not happening in the fancy parts of the cities, because the rich folks can afford to pay for "protections" against it. Not that I'm opposed to "protections" that protect us from crime, violence and rampant squalor. I wish I had more "protections" than I do now. And I don't even live in Frisco, Seattle, L.A. or Goofy Ridge.

I visited San Fran around circa 1970, and it was the most beautiful city I'd ever seen, which is not sayin' much, because I had not been to many cities at age 20. 

It breaks my heart to see photos of the disgusting filth that lines the streets of many parts of this formerly gorgeous city, that makes folks have to watch where they walk, very carefully!

They said in the news report that diseases are being spread, drug paraphernalia is tossed on the sidewalks, and they don't know what to do about it!

Well, I don't have all the answers. However, I know that I'm not going back to San Francisco, or Seattle, or ANY of these formerly beautiful cities under those nasty conditions!

I've never been accused of being smart, but here are some suggestions for the city leaders:

1. Tell the tent city dwellers, the aliens from the Pleiades star system will be attacking the city soon, so they need to get to the rural areas, find jobs and stay there until the "all clear" is flashed to them in the sky!

2. Find all the billionaires, and pass a law that they  will be required to purchase ranches for each individual or family who are homeless and living on the streets. The billionaires will be reciprocated by receiving half of everything grown or produced on the ranches, if the new ranchers are industrious enough to produce anything. If they are too lazy to work, they will be sent to the Soylent Green factory.

3. Disguise the areas by putting very large and long paintings of landscapes in front of them, and have a constant mist of sweet perfume wafting through the air,  to cover the smell of garbage and feces. 

4. Turn the sidewalks into gullies, fill them with water, and convert them into wetland, free range areas for alligators! 

Fortunately, as Christians, which most of my readers are, we put our hope in God's promises. The bible says at Matthew and Mark, "the poor will always be with us," and we are saddened and frustrated by the people living in squalor right now, but we have a wonderful hope that is far above what human governments could ever do!