Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Communication Is A Form Of Gratification

If you are actually reading this blog, please let me know by placing an X in the comments section below.

If you are NOT actually reading this blog, you won't know to put an X in the comments section, because you did not read this.

Example of someone who doesn't actually read others Fazebook posts but "likes" EVERYTHING!

The most sacred goal of Bloggadocious 222 is to reach the hearts and souls of you readers. There are many goals linked with me writing this blog, like making you laugh...making you groan at my corny jokes, causing you to question the existence of the universe, increasing your love for Joni Mitchell and Richie Havens, stimulating your interest in alien life forms...so on and so forth. 

Of course, my GREATEST accomplishment would be to coerce you all to comment on a regular basis, so I would positively know you are reading this crap literature.

  1. persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.
    "they were coerced into silence"


    bring pressure to bear on

    use pressure on

If you are actually reading this blog, please let me know by placing an X in the comments section below. (redundant question) If you don't know how to put an X in the comments section below, then put it on Fazebook, so I'll know there is still life out there apart from a few faithful followers, who faithfully focus on freely fraternizing with this funny freelancer. 


or free-lance

free-lans, -lahns, -lans, -lahns ]

noun Also free lance.

Also freelancera person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer.
a person who contends in a cause or in a succession of various causes, as he or she chooses, without personal attachment or allegiance.

verb (used without object), free·lanced, free·lanc·ing.

to act or work as a freelance:The illustrator used to be employed by us but is freelancing now.
Okay. I suppose I'm not a REAL freelancer, because I don't get paid for this...however, that's not a legitimate reason for not participating in the back and forth communication I so, desperately desire. 
Example of brief back and forth discussion.
Put yourself in my moccasins for a moment. You spend around 3 hours a day writing a stupid blog, (I know. I type very slowly) every day of the year (except for weekends, holidays, and other times...like doctors visits, important commitments, etc) and you never actually know if folks are reading your brilliant baubles of beautiful bloggyness.


plural noun: baubles
  1. 1.
    a small, showy trinket or decoration.

If I see no responses, it makes me think I'm writing to the air!

So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. 1 Cor. 14:9

Whowee! Maybe that's my problem! My words are unintelligible! 

Anyway...if this made any sense at all, let me know by placing a big X in the comments section below ⏬