Saturday, September 14, 2013


What if doctors named all of our streets?

Let's see...Amputation Avenue...Biopsy Blvd...Circumcision Court...Diarrhea Drive...Hysterectomy Highway...Lipo suction Lane...Psychiatric Parkway...Rupture Road...Surgery Street...I think you get the drift, snowflake. HA!

What if creatures from another world 
named our cities?

A Ferengi

Alien, Arkansas...Cosmic, Colorado...
Dimensional, Delaware...Ferengi, Florida...Glirkazoid, Georgia...Inter Galactic, Idaho...Klingon, Kansas...Lizardpeople, Louisiana, Mutant, Montana...Nebula, Nebraska...Outer Limits, Ohio...Planetary, Pennsylvania...Rocket, Road Island...Spaceship, South Carolina...Time Travel, Texas...UFO, Utah...Vortex, Vermont...Worf, Wisconsin...

How about if proctologists were allowed to name new cars?

Never mind about this category!
There are too many opportunities to get me in trouble! HA! Maybe you can come up with some of your own! 

What kind of names would pro wrestlers name their pets? Hmmm?

A Beagle-The Bloody Baron Bopper

A black cat- Mr. Terror, The Night Stalker

A hamster- Horrible Hulk Hamster (of course)

A weenie dog- The Storm Trooper of Germany

A chihuahua-The Mexican Death Machine

I think the Mexican Death Machine is the funniest, but Chihuahua's always make me laugh!

Have an AWESOME Saturday,
 I hope you're good and gay,
So I'm not judging you my friend,
If you lean that way,
I'm talking 'bout in yesteryear,
When gay meant fun and bright,
I'm really in no mood for a politically correct fight.

In fact, it's time for blacks and whites,
and gays to live in peace,
And even Tom who's sexual preference,
Never was released,

And Jews and Muslims need to get along,
Each and every day,
Stop killing one another,
After you kneel down and pray,

Rich and poor, old and young,
Everyone's your brother,
Stop the hate and fighting,
Start LOVING one another!