Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday

Dragon The Line Just In Time!

When we last visited our glorious Glirkazoid guy and gal, Rosie and Gary, they were being "beamed" to who knows where?

Hopefully, across the Sea Of Megadeth, to the Isle Of The Deaf Dragon, where they are destined to confront the Deaf Dragon, himself, or HERself, it's hard to tell the difference with dragons, and win the right to advance to the Stairway To Havens, which they will have to climb, to win the right to advance to Pyrotussin, to save the Princess Of Pyrotussin from the clutches of the Monster Of Malevalentay!!

As the camera zooms in on a scary looking island, and zooms closer on to the beach, we see a swirling, whirlpool of colored lights that spit Gary and Rosie out on to the disgusting, icky beach.

Rosie - "We did it, Gary! We made it to the Isle Of The Deaf Dragon!!! Yaaay!!!"

Gary - "Shhhh. Be quiet, Rosie. Do you want the dragon to hear us?"

Rosie - "Uh, Gary, I think you're forgetting that...."

Gary - "Do you want us to be dragon dinner, Rosie? Pipe down, wouldja?"


Gary - "Oh...yeah! That must be why he/she is called The Deaf Dragon!"

Rosie - "You THINK? Did that "beaming" scramble your brain, Gary?"

Gary - "Look, Rosie! Dragon tracks on the disgusting beach, littered with guts of the dragon's victims!"

Rosie - "Good eyes, my bug-eyed buddy! Now we just need to follow the tracks to find the Deaf Dragon, but watch out that you don't step in rotten guts, because even though the Deaf Dragon is deaf, his/her sense of smell is AMAZING!!"

Gary stepping in guts and eyeballs.... squish, squish, squish...

Deaf Dragon - "I smell Glirkazoids on the beach, and one has stepped in rotten guts and eyeballs! Yum, yum!!"

So, as our Glirkazoid gladiators are walking toward the Deaf Dragon, the Deaf Dragon is walking toward them, following their delicious scent!

What gonna happen?

Will they meet in the middle? Will Gary and Rosie end up on the griddle?

Join us for our next OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY, hopefully, next Wednesday!!!