Wednesday, June 11, 2014


The Silver Sausage was almost at the breaking point after traveling at 1000 X warped speed, through the treacherous Aspertame Belt, across the space sea of Atlanticapacifica, and up the black hole of Corlon Oscopee!!

Gary - "We need more power, Yellow Rose!"

Yellow Rose - "I'm givin' her all she's got, Admiral!"

Gary - "Why did you say that in a Scottish accent, Y.R.?"

Yellow Rose - " I don't know. That always seems to happen when you say "we need more power!"

For the last 222 budd-light years, the super-powerful, vicious, extremely fast Depublikratians have been chasing our two amazing heroes to put them to a S...L...O...W..., painful, humiliating DEATH!!

Why? You ask, with that puzzled look on your faze!

Gary had innocently destroyed the sacred, golden temple of the Depublikratians, where they had worshipped for 100 billion kreptons, because he was trying to smoke out the Balogny Beast that he ASSUMED  was hiding in the edifice! (He wasn't!)

Instead of loading a smoke bomb in the Gaffer-gun, our genius, Gary, accidentally, loaded an emulsificator bomb and emulsificated the whole dang, diamond encrusted, priceless temple! 

Even though Gary said, "my bad," it didn't seem to pacify the bitter, bloodthirsty Depublikratians! 

Yellow Rose had absolutely nothing to do with the accident, but they considered her an accomplice, and had her "marked for death" as well! 

Hence, the mad, wild chase across the universe ensued!

If you want, join us for our next Out Of This World Wednesday to see the exciting finale of this extraordinary TRUE tale!