Thursday, April 23, 2020

In These Uncertain Times...

"In these uncertain times" has become the catch phrase for a LOT of commercials during these "uncertain times."

What I'm asking is, when were we in CERTAIN TIMES?

In my ordinary, mostly uneventful life, nothing has ever been certain. Nothing!

My job, my relationships with others, my automobile trips, and even getting up every morning is not a certainty for me, or ANYBODY!

Think about Siegfried and Roy, the white tiger and lion tamers. Everyone thought they would never be attacked by their beloved lions, but Roy (I think it was Roy) was attacked one day by a white tiger!

To take it down to the common person level, remember when you planned that big family reunion in the park, on the 4th of July, and it rained? 

Of course, it's true that with nearly EVERYTHING shut down here on 4/23/2020, the times are more uncertain than usual, but those of us who have lived a number of decades should be pros at adjusting to uncertain times. 

Many of us were certain we were in good health, and then BANG, we were diagnosed with something we never dreamed we would get!

Christopher Columbus was certain he had discovered India or something, but instead, he discovered America...or maybe the Vikings did...or the Polynesians did, which proves how uncertain times have always been!

Think about this. How many folks have been certain the world would end in the years 1900, 1918, 1941, 1962, Y2K, and probably all the years in between!

My point forgot my point, but let's make the best of these uncertain times, the best we can, uh, in these uncertain times...pretty much like we've always done..I guess...but I'm not certain.