Friday, December 13, 2013

This is what my wife put on Facebook yesterday in a desperate plea for help:

We need a miracle! Medical expenses for little Granddaughter Breanna have devastated the finances of our son-in-law, Matthew Heeren and daughter, Ash Heeren to the point where they will lose their home if no help comes.
The fact is, without her medicine, Breanna will not survive very long.
Lately, Ashley and Matt have had to choose between making their house payment or buying Breanna's medicine she desperately needs for Cystic Fibrosis. Of course, they had to choose Breanna's medicine.
As most of you know, Matt serves in the military, he served our country in Iraq, works full time at Methodist hospital, and serves with the National Guard. Ash, has been going to school for the past few years, trying to get her nursing degree, while trying to keep up with the never ending Doctor and Hospital visits.
It is literally impossible for them to keep up with the thousands of dollars for medical expenses each month.
We need your prayers for a Christmas miracle that will save their home and keep Breanna breathing.
We know how so many are struggling and we are leaving it in God's hands to send the help Breanna needs.
God is loving and merciful and we truly believe he will answer our prayers and yours before time runs out on this beautiful family.
Thank you, from the heart!
Donna and Danny

She did not ask for money, because we know God is the one who will have to help them, very few people have enough money to relieve their situation. We need to leave things in God's hands, and we believe "prayer changes things," like I read on a little plaque when I was a child, and that's what I firmly believe.
Today we took Ashley and Matt to the Cracker Barrel restaurant for Ashley's birthday, and some kindhearted, wonderful person paid our entire bill, anonymously!