Friday, September 18, 2020

Trump Or Biden, Which One's Hidin'?

With only 46 days until the election that will change the future in so many ways that it will make all of our heads spin off our sockets...if we actually have sockets, we are faced with the ever present question of, who is hidin', Trump or Biden?

"What?" You proclaim! "It's obvious that Biden is hidin', not Trump!"

"Trump is all over the place! He's at airports, huge rallies, military bases, White Castle parking lots...EVERYWHERE he can find an ear to listen!"

"On the other hand, since Biden has come out of his "basement," he's only done VERY limited press conferences and speeches with just a handful of participants."

"It's gotta be Biden that's hidin'!!"

Don't be so certain about that, buckaroos! 

If you would have been paying attention, you would have noticed that Trump looks younger than ever before, his hair is not so orange, he has vitality out the wazoo, as he gives two hour speeches with humor and vigor, and Melania even looks happier! 

That's not Trump! The REAL Donald Trump must be hiding in the White House bunker, while a FAKE Trump is making all of these dynamic appearances! That's gotta be it, folks! No 74 year old dude has that kind of energy!

Conversely, Joe Biden is REALLY doing his events, although tiny events, because we know it's the REAL Joe by his speech pattern, movements, pace, gaffs and interaction with the public.

In conclusion, a vote for Trump is a vote for FAKE Trump, because the real Trump ain't that good, and a vote for Biden is a vote for the REAL Biden. What you see is what you get!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday

Oxykranious Going Insanious!

Supreme High Command: "We are ordering you two suckers, I mean superheroes to travel to the foreboding planet of Oxykranious to bring peace to the warring factions that will destroy themselves, and the whole dang planet, if they are not stopped! We really don't care much about the inhabitants, but that planet has an abundance of rich minerals we need to exploit!"

Rosie - "Are you saying the Blue Oxykranions are fighting the Magenta Oxykranions, or is it the Ugly Oxykranions against the Hideous Oxykranions?"

Gary - "No, no! It's got to be the 5 Legged Oxykranions battling the 3 Headed Oxykranions? Right?"

Supreme High Command: "Well, it's actually..."

Rosie - "I know, I know! It's the Really Tall Oxykranions wanting to defeat the Giant Oxykranions! That's GOT to be it!!"

Gary - "You're a moron, Rosie! The Really Tall Oxykranions are peace freaks! They don't even swat Oxykranion mosquitoes they're so wimpy! Let me think, it's probably the Antenna Headed Oxykranions, who want to destroy the..."

Supreme High Command: "SHUT UP! Just SHUT UP!!! YOU ARE BOTH WRONG! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!! It's the Live Creature Eating Oxykranions and Dead Plant Eating Oxykranions attempting to destroy each other! Good grief!!"

Gary - "I knew it! Those Dead Plant Eating Oxykranions have ALWAYS been trouble! Whenever the NORMAL Live Creature Eating Oxykranions want to sit down to a noisy meal of live spazesquid, the DPEO's make that gagging noise and act like the LCEO's are eating somebody's brother...which only happens on major holidays!"

Rosie - "I disrespectfully disagree, lamebrain! The utter grossness of the Live Creature Eating Oxykranions would make ANY gentle life form, like the Dead Plant Eating Oxykranions, want to hurl chunks! The only kind, compassionate way of eating is when it's a plant, with no heart beating!" 

Gary - "Did you know that rhymed?"

Rosie - "Yes. Thank you. I have a gift for that."

SHC: "So I don't emulsificate the both of you, I'm going to the Purple Glirf Saloon and toast your suicidal, I mean SENSATIONAL mission you will soon embark upon. Good luck! Your gonna need it! Your vital equipment for the mission has already been beamed aboard the Silver Sausage Spazeship.  I'm outta here!!

Gary - "The Supreme High Commander is such a nice guy! We should have him over to the the ship one of these days!"

Rosie - "Nice guy?!! He just ordered us to go on a suicidal mission, and you believe he's a NICE GUY? Well, he's REALLY not a guy, or a gal...the Supreme High Commander is actually a collection of AI computers that emulate the original Supreme High Commander from 2,222 kreptons ago."

Gary - "But, but...he said he was going to the Purple Glirf Saloon to drink a toast! How can a computer drink a toast?"

Rosie - Remember what I told you about, John Wick and The Brady Bunch?"

Gary - "Not real?"

Rosie - "Correctomundo! The AI computers want to convince us they're a living, breathing creature to make us feel comfortable!"

Gary -" Comfortable?! COMFORTABLE?!! I'm FREAKIN' OUT! How did you find out the Supreme High Commander wasn't a real live Glirkazoid?!!"

Rosie - "Well, uh, he...I mean, IT asked me out on a date once and when I went to meet "him" at the Purple Glirf Saloon, the place was empty, er, didn't exist, was only something planted in my brain, I think, I was very confused, so it felt sorry for me and explained what was going on."

Gary - "You went on a date? You went on a date?!!! Without me?!!! You Jezebel!!"

Chee-willikers! Is Gary a bit jealous? 

Is there gonna be a riff in the spaze team continuum?

Join us next time for...

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Rainy Day Blogging Is Better Than Jogging!

A big, no thank you!

You all know that I very rarely do my blog on a Saturday, but since it's raining, and I haven't done a blog posting in a while, I'm making an exception. 

Note: My font colors are all dull, which symbolizes the rainy morning I'm experiencing at this tom.

I did not even try to express my feelings on 9/11, yesterday. What could I say that hasn't been said. 

My granddaughter Bre completed another cross country race. Definitely a miracle! 

Most of you know her story. She has cystic fibrosis, went through brain surgery as a baby, and we did not know if she would ever be able to walk or talk.

Look at her now!

Click on link below:

I compared Donna to all of the women at the cross country meet and she was the most beautiful. I think it's her flowing, wavy hair that "gets me!" Kind of like Dyan Cannon's hair used to be, but Dyan's was not natural. 

I guess I'm the luckiest stiff in the world! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Joy Of Blogging... Unopposed!

The best thing I like about doing Bloggadocious 222 is that I can opine on ANY subject, in ANY way I want, and no one calls me out on it, except for my lifelong pal, Paul, and he is always kind.

Take the song at the beginning of this blog posting. So many things could be said about it! For instance...

Song was obtained from this movie.
Note: Aunt Jemima is in this movie!!

"That song is from 1934, it's old and it sucks!

"Why are you ALWAYS putting songs on your blog? We NEVER listen to them!"

"This song doesn't apply in 2020! It's much worse now than in 1934!"

"Are you putting songs on your blog because you can't think of anything intelligent to write, ya big dummy!!"

Yes! All of these nasty things could be placed in the handy dandy comments section, but 99.9% of you refrain from doing so, to spare my itty bitty fewwings! What a rewief! I mean, relief!

Shoot, I could say that Barry Manilow is the greatest musician, singer/songwriter in the history of man/womenkind and 99.9% of you would not oppose me on that, even though it's obviously a radically false statement!

Although, he was GREAT on Murphy Brown!

SO, the point of this is, um...THIS! 

It's sometimes a bit frustrating, but also cool, that 99.9% of you DON'T respond to whatever I put on my stupid blog, because, any loss of sleep I suffer over the commenting desert I've created, is balanced out by being able to say ANYTHANG I want, with no opposition!!

Does that make sense to YOU? 

Anyone? Anyone?!

Seriously folks! If you did not listen to the first song, you're missin' out!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday

Supreme High Command, Uh, Commands!

Rosie - "Now that you've got the mystery of the Brady Bunch resolved, let me tell you about our next thrilling adventure.

Gary - "Brady Bunch, what?"

Rosie - "Remember? You thought the Brady Bunch TV show was a documentary and all of the actors were real earthlings that lived in the late 60's and early 70's on earth."

Gary - "They were!!"

Rosie - Gary! I already explained to you..."

At that very moment the Supreme High Command interrupt the Brady Bunch discussion..

SHC - "Admirals Rosie and Gary, you need to shut up about the Brady Bunch crappolla and focus on your next mission to Qzy-Kranious!"

Cue the dramatic music...

Rosie and Gary - "NOOOOOOO!!!! Not Qzy- Kranious!!!!!"

SHC - "Unfortunately, YESSSSSSSSSS...Qzy-Kranious!!!!! Where no outsiders have ever survived! Where roads are worse than earth's Illinois! The monsters are bigger and more ferocious! The severe weather will emulsify a Glirkazoid in a nanosecond...and the skies are not cloudy all day! We just made that last part up! Ha ha! 

  1. one billionth of a second.
      a very short time; a moment.
      "he replied without a nanosecond's hesitation"

Gary and Rosie "We know! Hey! Why are we both saying the same things at the same time? Stop it! No YOU stop it! You're making me mad!!"

SHC - "You two are suffering from dual discussion delirium disorder, which occurs when Glirkazoids are REALLY freaked out. You'll calm down and stop the DDDD when you learn that we will be providing you with all of the state of the art safeguards to assure your return to Glirka in one piece! Or is that two pieces, since there are two of you. Anyway, you'll be okay...we hope."

Gary - "What a relief!"

Rosie - "That we will be protected, hopefully?"

Gary - "No! That we aren't saying the same things, now! That was driving me bonkers!"

Rosie - "So, what are some of these "safeguards" you'll be providing, hmmm?"

SHC -"Fake passports that claim you are native Ozy-Kraniousians, so you won't be eaten on site...along with a shape shifting device to disguise your little Glirkazoid bodies!"

Rosie - "But Glirkazoids are only 4 inches tall, while Ozy-Kraniousians tower to the height of 22 feet!"

SHC - "We are giving you our "industrial strength" shape shifting device! No worries!" 

"We are also issuing you all weather invisible shields to keep you from emulsification, like salt on a slug, but not detectable by Ozy- Kraniousians."

Gary - "What about the bad roads? How will we survive the treacherous BAD ROADS? You know I get severely car sick, right?"

SHC - "We know, Gary. That's why we are supplying you with classic, Back To The Future, hover boards, to transmigrate yourselves to and fro about the planet."

Gary - "Cool! What about weapons to defeat the ferocious beasts? Will they be as cool as the weapons John Wick utilizes?"

Rosie - "How many times do I have to tell you, Gary, John Wick is not real!"

Gary - "You're wrong, girlie! I saw the documentary on his life!"

Rosie - "I give up."

SHC - "The weapons we will be loaning you make John Wick's weapons look like peashooters and slingshots!!"

Gary - "Okay! I'm all in!"

SHC - "Good! However, you had no choice, anyway. You and Rosie automatically volunteered for every dangerous mission ordered by the Supreme High Command when you took your oath as cadets at the Spaze Academy."

Rosie and Gary - "We did? Oh, crap, we're doing that DDDD thing again!!"

Rosie - "Alright, what's the mission, SHC leader?"

SHC- "The mission, that you've already decided to accept, is...

The Supreme High Command will tell Rosie and Gary about the death defying, suicidal mission, next week. Sorry folks!

Please join us next week for the intimate details, detailing the detailed dangerous mission, in...

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Time To Boycott My Own Blog!

I'm not doing my blog today, because I'm protesting and boycotting the insensitive content that's causing the ruination of society as a whole! 

I know you absolutely love it when I make fun of the A.B. normal events that permeate our social stratas-fear in the  depressing, dysfunctional  year of 2020, but I'll be bowing out today in protestation of my own rudeness, sarcasm, ugliness and total ignorance!

I thought about this long and hard, and decided that SOMEBODY has to take a stand against my reckless abandonment of everythang politically correct, progressive, anti-conservative and scholarly!

In fact, I don't know why somebody hasn't protested me long ago! 

I deserve to be boycotted or SOMETHING! I'm lower than a worm!

So, when you look for my blog today, it won't be there. I'll show ME what happens when I don't go with the flow! 

I feel so much better! I did my part for the healing of societal disintegration!