Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pondering The Preponderance Of A Plethora Of Thangs

When I ponder...
  1. think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.
    "I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion. 

the awesome things that have taken place in our lifetime (by OUR, I mean baby boomers, the greatest generation, millennials, etc.), which includes spaze travel, computers, Pringles, hollow grams, sell phones, hover boards, time travel, smart TV's, dumb TV's, Billy Ray AND Miley Cyrus, the "cone of silence," cold fusion, con fusion, and a billion other thangs, I say, WOW!!

Disclaimer: Many of the "thangs" mentioned above are not real, but WILL be real in the future, according to tv shows and movies.

I can't keep up with all the technominoligical stuff that makes my old, tired, withered, weathered, weakened, warped brain spin around like a Whirling Dervish! 

Sometimes I try to imagine myself back in ancient toms...

Ancient Toms above.

Happier toms...

When there were no phones, no running water, no toilets, or super markets, or electricity, and we hunted and fished and grew our own veggies, and died at 32. 

Claude: 25  Betsy: 31 Wilma:16

Those were the days when medical treatment consisted of leeches and whiskey. 

Did you ever see one of those Facebook posts, where they show a picture of a cute little cabin on a river or lake, in a magnificent setting, and ask, "would you live here for a month, without your phone or the internet, for a million dollars?


DUH!! Are you kidding me?! No way!!! Might as well sentence me to Hades!!! How would I play my games and troll total strangers in cruel ways?!! 

Disclaimer again: Very often Bloggadocious 222 employs sarcasm to show the ridiculousness  of certain thangs. 

That's all I got today, folks! Make sure you tune in to OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY tomorrow!! 

You will NOT be un-disappointed!!