Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Last Wednesday we found our valiant adventurers in trouble with...why don't I just copy and paste what happened last week to save tom. (Tom would appreciate it!)

All of a sudden, our heroes find themselves surrounded by 100 angry Gluptillians, all decked out in their scary war stuff!

War paint on their creepy, six eyed faces, wearing yakmuk fur on their muscular, scarred bodies, swords, knives, hatchets, and cork screws hanging from their belts, and holding emusificator weapons in their extra large, grotesque, gnarly hands! 

Gary swang into action (if swang is actually a word) and began to use the ancient, Glirkazoid marshall art of keekyo bot, that the Gluptillians found very funny, with Gary swinging his little arms around, kicking into the air and yelling HI-YA! In fact, they all started laughing so hard, and rolling on the ground, Yellow Rose and Gary were able to easily escape!

Gary and Yellow Rose hide in the bushes. Gary is out of breath when he says, "Those...(breath)...dudes...(breath)...are lucky I...(breath)...let them off so easy! 

Yellow Rose - "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Let them off so easy?! Gary! The Gluptillians are some of the mightiest, fiercest, warriors in the universe! Remember, we were sent here to stop them from their warring ways that they've embraced for millions of septons!!"

Gary - "Well, what were you gonna do, Yellow Rose, give them a flower?! Hmmmm?"

Yellow Rose - "Of course not (cough, cough), I was gonna (cough) talk to them (cough, cough) about..."

Gary - "Are you okay, Y.R.? 

Yellow Rose - I'm fine (cough) Gary, I ...

At this,Yellow Rose passes out! 

Gary - ROSIE! Wake up! What's wrong girl! Can you hear me?!

Yellow Rose is non-responsive, and Gary has no choice but to carry her out to the Gluptillians and beg for mercy! He knew the Gluptillians were all medical experts, due to the constant battle injuries they have had to deal with over eons of time. He went down on his knees and pleaded with them to help his faithful partner, Yellow Rose!

The leader of the Gluptillian dudes was known as Flesh Shredder, he spoke to Gary in an eerie, gravelly voice, and said, "Why should we help a puny, miserable Glirkazoid like her? She means nothing to us!"

Gary - "Yellow Rose is known throughout the entire universe ( except for here) as the kindest, sweetest, most compassionate, caring life form in existence! Remember when the Viagrans were about to destroy themselves, and some mysterious force saved the whole bunch of them?"

Flesh Shredder - Sure! That's on all the history files, and the Viagrans are second cousins to the Gluptillians!

Gary - "Well, that "mysterious force" that saved your cousins was my friend here, Yellow Rose!"

Flesh Shredder - "Do you expect us to believe that? We are not fools, green boy!"

Gary - "Look at what's around her neck." 

Flesh Shredder bends down and gently picks up the shiny medallion that is hanging on a chain around Yellow Rose's neck.

In total disbelief he whispers, "Why, this is the medallion of Vigros! This is the greatest honor the Viagrans can give to the bravest, wisest, most celebrated life form on their planet! What you are saying is true, tall eyes!!

Gary - "She is very, very sick! Would you PLEASE make her well? I don't know what the universe would do without her!"

Flesh Shredder - "Do you think she would be willing to help us end our wars if we restore her health?"

Gary - "Is a pig's butt pork?"

Flesh Shredder - "What?"

Gary - "I mean, SURE SHE WOULD!"

Flesh Shredder retrieves a small stone from the small man-purse on his belt. The stone begins to glow as he holds it over Y.R's body! All of a sudden, Yellow Rose opens her eyes, and groggily says, "Did you get the license number of that bus?"

Gary - "Yellow Rose! Yellow Rose! I'm so happy you're not sick anymore!" Now you need to bring peace to Glupterous so they don't kill us!"

Yellow Rose - "I'll get right on it, Gary. As soon as I "toss my cookies!" Bluurrpp!!

Well, well, well...happily, Yellow Rose used her extensive amount of charm and weaponry to bring peace to the Gluptillians, who were so grateful they awarded her the golden statue of Globus, and Gary was very proud of his faithful cohort, and Gary was very jealous!!