Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Make Tuesday The Best Ever!

Instead of Tuesday being dullsville, as usual, you and I can make it a super duper, fantastic day with just a few adjustments!

For instance...

1. Talk in a foreign accent all day. Whichever one you do best. I think I do a middle eastern accent the best. What about you? No matter. Whatever accent you do will make your day more interesting, by causing your friends, family, and co-workers consternation, confusion and trepidation...which is loads of fun!!!

2. .Wear outlandish clothing. The clothes we wear everyday (especially on Tuesday) are so boring. Let's pazazz ourselves up by wearing psychedelic colors, flower pots on our heads, snowshoes, Vulcan ears, eyeglasses bigger than dinner plates (like Sir Elton), zoot suits, tutu's, formal gowns...see examples below...

3. Call all the folks that hate you, and tell them you LOVE them! Talk about messin' with their minds! Whowee!! That will totally disrupt their evil train of thoughts about you...or not!!

4. Eat food you've NEVER had on a Tuesday. No need to get too exotic, like "snake head soup," but maybe one of those meatless Whoppers that they keep advertising every 20 minutes! Or make your own concoction! One suggestion would be, mix together in large mixing bowl, a pound of whole radishes, 2 cups of whole beets, 2 lbs minced beef tongue, 2 liters of Blatz beer, 50 garlic skins, 5 pounds of pork liver,  a gallon of chocolate mint ice cream, 2 cups of Purina dog chow, and 20 over ripe bananas! 

After mixing for 222 seconds, pour concoction into baking dish, greased with pure lard, and place in Easy Bake Oven for 24 hours (if concoction does not fit in Easy Bake Oven, use a fireplace, or campfire), until blackened beyond recognition. Maybe not a gourmet delight, but unique!

By now, you see my point, right? No? Well, the point is, if you want Tuesday to be more than a boring, mundane, uneventful day, you need to do something DIFFERENT, to spice it up! If it gets you arrested, ALL THE BETTER!! Something to tell your grand kids about, through the cell bars. 


Disclaimer - Any suggestions made by the author of Bloggadocious 222 to commit actions that would cause an individual to go to jail, are purely intended for comedy reasons , and not to be confused with ANYTHING close to reality, or REAL advice! We apologize for any persons who have mistakenly took the words from this blog as truth, and ended up in jail for an unwarrented amount of tom. Tom who?