Friday, January 7, 2022

Read This Blog For Big Blessings!

So, I'm exactly like you when it comes to perusing Facebook. 


gerund or present participleperusing
  1. read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way.
    "he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues"
    • examine carefully or at length.
      "Laura perused a Caravaggio"

I carefully search for everythang that is meaningful, or interesting to me, me, ME!

Of course, just like you, I enjoy random photos of kittens, puppies, cute babies, chitlins at play, and such as that...but...and this is a BIG BUTT.. 

I do not like it when folks challenge my faith, by saying..."if you love Jesus, type in amen," or "God will send you blessings in 24 hours if you click on this"...or "you're not a Christian if you scroll past this post without writing HALLELUJAH!"

What? God reads Facebook? I mean, I thought I could worship God, pray to God, express my faith in God my own way, without the help of Facebook.

Maybe I'm wrong. 

So, if any of you actually received BIG BLESSINGS from typing in whatever "they" wanted you to write on one of these challenge posts on Facebook, let me know! 

Speaking of "they," do we really know who's putting these challenges up on Facebook? 

It could be the Russians or Chinese, who are making up a list of professed Christians, to "take care of them," if you know what I mean, when they rule the world!

Maybe the other worldly aliens are separating the God fearing from the regular folks to put the believers into brain washing cubicles when they conquer our planet! 

All I know is that for over 2000 years, Christians have been worshipping God without the aid of these, uh, let's see... "you're not a Christian unless you, whatever" posts!

It's just my luck that when I'm in the processing area of heaven, Saint Peter will say, "I see you scrolled past all of those, you're not a Christian unless you type amen posts."

"Yes, sir," I say.

"Well, I put those posts on Facebook!! So, we decided to unfriend you from heaven!!! You, you, BAD scrolling knucklehead!!!"

Isn't that the way it goes? No? Well, we're talking about Doom and Gloom Dan here.  Oh, well.