Wednesday, September 23, 2015


The great spaze philosopher, Moonbeam Ub. Uranus, once said, and I quote, "Go ye therefore in to spaze, where the spaze ponies race, o're the magnificent geometric insolence of Fatar, and the Urkel of revelation glides to the Sea Of The Golden Goils!"

I'm not sure when Moonbeam said this, but I suspect it was during his "Extraordinarily Mad" period. 

Rosie and Gary, our super extraordinary, legendary, Glirkazoid spaze warriors, were inspired by the words of this lunatic, and devoted their lives to "Go, ye, therefore in to spaze" to do, uh...whatever Moonbeam said!

If YOU are one who hath followed their adventures for a long tom, you are already, certifiably NUTS, and have a close relationship with "long Tom."

On the other hand...

My good, decent side is begging you not to enter into this dark world of monsters, evil, malevolent creatures, spaze warfare, naughty aliens, and the constant bickering  of Rosie and Gary. 

My nasty side desires to lure you in to this 

dark world of monsters, evil, malevolent creatures, spaze warfare, naughty aliens, and the constant bickering  of Rosie and Gary. 

What's a muther to do? 

Aww, COME ON IN! Lice is short, ya only live twice, the more the merrier,  take the splash, do the, figurative, hokie pokie with me, gang! 

Admiral Gary Galaxy and Vice Admiral Rosie Rapture have been summoned by the Glirkazoidian High Council to receive instructions for their next secret mission. The Supreme Glirkheads are located in a remote location on the beateous planet of Glirka, where Rosie and Gary were born...therefore, our directional duo knew exactly where to find them...

Gary - "This is weird, Rosie! That looks like the same twisted glickamore tree we saw an hour ago!"

Rosie - "It IS the same twisted glickamore tree we saw an hour ago, knucklehead! We are going in circles!"

Gary - "Don't you mean, ADMIRAL knucklehead, VICE Admral, Rosie!" 

Rosie - "Get real, Gary! No one can hear us out here...lost in the wilderness...with enormous, vicious creatures stalking us...wanting a taste of our BLOOD!"

Gary - "Cut it out, Rosie! You're j-j-just t-t-trying t-t-to sc-sc-scare me, aren't you?"

Rosie - " and that Garillian Fang Monster lurking behind you!!"

Oh, my! Is there REALLY a Garillian Fang Monster behind Gary, or is Rosie up to her tricks again? 

You will have to check our next Out Of This World Wednesday to find the answer!