Mindin' My Own Beeswax!
So's I'm mindin' my own beeswax, watchin' the "boob tube" about all the stuff in the wurl that's really crappy, and I thinks to meself, why am I watchin' this horse hockey, when I could be listenin' to some swell music from the 40's, wit a cold brewski in my paw?
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Do I really cares about the re-election in Georgia? NO! Boat sides are crooks!
Can I take any more corolla virus news? Abstatutely NOT!
Just slip me some over ripe bananas, a few Oreo cookies, ANOTHER beer, and the classic, Jim Thorpe All American movie, and I'll be in Nirvana until morning, when all this baloney is over! At least the re-election part.
Do I sound bitter? Fed up? Disenfranchised? A little mind altered?
Ha! Wait 'till I have my mug suds! You won't know what hit ya, brothers and sisters!
On the other hand, I'll not be writing my blog then, so how will you know what state of mom I'll be in at that tom?
Have a fun night, in spite of me and politics, and any physical conformities you may suffer.