Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Out Of This World Wednesday       Body Regeneration Utilization!!

Examples of ancient body regeneration/shapeshifting. 

Immediately after defeating the commander of the Z70 warship/garbage scow, John Filthy McNasty, our Glirkazoid Gladiators, namely, Rosie and Gary, begin approaching the surface of planet Z70, amidst heavy laser cannon blasts from the litterbug inhabitants who don't wanna change their pollutin' ways!

That was kinda a run on sentence, but I'm sure you fateful readers will decipher my mess! Fateful? I mean faithful!!

  1. having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications.
    "a fateful oversight"

Gary - "Durned the laser cannon blasts and full speed ahead, Rosie! We've got to hover about 222 fectors above the planet's terra firma and regenerate the populace into super-goats, who will totally devour every vestige of filthy garbage, litter, and deadly, dreaded diseases that has threatened the existence of the Z70ites for centuries!"
Silver Sausage in hovering mode. 

Rosie - "Initiating BRS, Admiral!" (AKA Body Regeneration System)

Gary - "When I nod my head, HIT IT!"

Gary nods his head and Rosie hits it with a handy spaze plunger!

Gary - "What are you doing, girl? This is no time for The 3 Stooges classic bits!"

Rosie - "Sorrrry...I couldn't resist."

Gary - "NOW...hit the body regeneration button (AKA BRB) and start showering the Z70ites with the goat regeneration ray!" (AKA GRS)

5G means super-goat regeneration to the power of 5. 

As the GRS begins to transform the messy multitude of litterbugs into super-goats, the creatures still resist, by cursing and throwing rocks at the Silver Sausage Spazeship, until they can't, due to the fact they instantly form hooves and can only baaaaa!"

Gary - "Rosie! Take a gander at this! The Z70ers are eating all the litter in sight, at a phenomenal rate!!"

Rosie - "Yeah! WOW! It reminds me of your relatives at an all you can eat buffet!! By the way, it's Z70ites, not ers.

Gary - "What's the diff? The main thang is that our plan is working, and soon the amazingly cluttered planet of Z70 will be free of filthiness!"

Rosie - "Rightio, Gary! It should take them about 10,000 yartrips to consume this mess, so let's come back when they're done, to change 'em back to what they were."
What they were.

Gary - "Okay! Where do you want to go in the meantime? We certainly don't want to travel all the way back to Glirka, and then all the way back here and waste precious fozzle fuel."

Rosie - "Since it will only be 10,000 yartrips, let's go to that popular, nearby vacation resort, Zquteozitsimuamua, until Z70 is cleaned up. It will be FUN!"

Fun, hmm? Gary has heard that word before, and discovered that fun isn't always as fun as it purports to be. 

Should they go to Zquteozitsimuamua for 10,000 yartrips, or simply stay within the 97% safety of the Silver Sausage Spazeship until their life changing mission is completed?

Why not join us next time for  revealing clues, from...