Wednesday, November 25, 2015


When we last visited our intrepid heroes, Rosie was chasing Gary, intent on sticking hard, curved metal objects up his little green keister, for reasons I've forgotten by now. 
Heck, it's been a whole week!
However, I do recall that they observed something very startling that caused them to "stop in their tracks!" 
Let's resume the fascinating story where we left off, shall we?

Gary - "What the heck is that, Rosie?!"

Rosie - "You tell me and we'll BOTH know!"

Here is what they saw...

Gary - "That is one butt ugly creature, Rosie! I wonder where it comes from?"

Rosie - "I'll check it out on my AARDVARK."(Stands for accurate alien recognition device, verifying aliens of rare kinds)
"And I think the creature is kind of cute!"

Gary - "Cute?! With that pale skin, bush-like hair, beady eyes, giraffe neck, and dorky outfit?!"

Rosie - "Look who's talkin'! You have no hair, green skin, no neck, no clothes, and elongated eyes!"

Gary - "Yeah...I'm pretty awesome,ain't I!"

Rosie - "Oh, brother!"
"Look at my AARDVARK message, Gary! 
"This creature is from planet Earth! A human being...specifically, a Chrisicus Martinicus!"

Gary - "I wonder if it can talk. (Gary calls out to the creature) Hey, man, can you talk?!"

Chrisicus - "Look at the stars

Look how they shine for you

And everything you do

Yeah they were all yellow.

Gary - "Tell me something I don't know, giraffe boy! Of course the stars are yellow, but some are red, and others are kinda white lookin'and..."

Rosie - "I think he's speaking in some kind of code, Gary. Do you want to tell me something, Chrisicus?"

Chrisicus - "Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
You know you know I love you so
You know I love you so!"

Gary - "WHAT?!! Hey! Who do you think you are, DUDE! You can't just land on our planet and start flirting with my girlfr...I mean, my fellow officer! That may be cool on your miserable little planet, but not here, buddy!"

Rosie - "I think it's cool."

Gary - "Rosie! What are you saying? You're not gonna let that long-necked freak talk to you like that, are ya?!"

Rosie - "I don't mind it so much. Go ahead and say something else, Chrisicus."

Chrisicus - "'Cause you're a sky, 

cause you're 

a sky full of stars

I'm gonna give you 

my heart

'Cause you're a sky, cause you're 

a sky full of stars

'Cause you light up the path."

Gary - "OKAY! That does it! I'm 

blowin' you away, sucka!! Where's 

my emulsificator?!!"

My, my!

Gary is REALLY ticked off!

That's the end of this episode, because we need to get ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow, and ain't got much tom!

Have a happy Thanksgiving, except for all of you pagans who don't live in the U.S. and don't like gluttonous behavior anyway!