Saturday, May 17, 2014


What is life without new beginnings, fresh starts, second chances, and blessed forgiveness?

Nuthin', right?

Remember how I promised I'd never post my blog on Fazebook again, and how surprised you are to be reading this blog on Fazebook, and think I'm a big fat liar?

Well, this is not that blog! This is my NEW blog! The blog I told you I'd never put on Fazebook again, was my old "My Life Is Only For Laughs," blog, whereas, this is my new, Bloggadocious 222 blog! 

A moment with Angels is better than money...

Angels are adorable, happy and funny...

They will always stick in my memory...

To set my spirit soaring free...

Whenever I need peace and harmony...

 For the times I ask, "To be or not to be."