Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Spring-like Weather Makes Me Sing 

The song below is sung to the tune of the song above.

♪♪When  it's springtime in Peoria, 
You can hear the birdies singing, ♪♪
♪♪When it's springtime in Peoria,
You can hear those bells-o-ringing,♪♪
♪When it's springtime in Peoria,
You can freely walk your dog, ♪♪
♪♪When it's springtime in Peoria,
Bring a bag to pick-up his/her log.♪♪

Wow! That really didn't flow, did it? 

No big whoop. I just felt very springy today!

I saw a guy walking down the street as I walked Chevy, The Wonder Dog, this morning, and he said, "Spring in the air!"

I tried it, and almost broke my back!! (Old joke from Johnny Carson, many moons ago)

If this year is like most years, spring will be over in the blink of an eye, and blistering hot summer heat will pounce upon us quicker than a teen turtle on pizza!!

With that in mind, I try to savor each and every spring-like day. Even if it's not officially spring.

I enjoy walking down the sidewalk at 5:30 in the morning, with Chevy Wevy leading the way, and singing this song at the top of my lungs...

♪♪When  it's springtime in Peoria, 
You can hear the birdies singing, ♪♪
♪♪When it's springtime in Peoria,
You can hear those bells-o-ringing,♪♪
♪When it's springtime in Peoria,
You can freely walk your dog, ♪♪
♪♪When it's springtime in Peoria,
Bring a bag to pick-up his/her log.♪♪

Should it matter that folks throw things at me, speak foul language, and summon the authorities? (They leave Chevy Boy alone, because he's cute)

Sure, it matters, but if I don't exercise my rights to sing at the top of my lungs, at 5:30 in the morning, on a beauteous spring-like day...who will? 

Let's not forget that these same "neighbors" who are offended by my joyful jubilation , have super loud motorcycles, trucks, leaf blowers, chainsaws and such, that interfere with my sacred transcontinental meditation that I perform 17 times per day!

Chevy is a FUNNY dog! If a dog has ever been outside, in his or her private yard, barking at him, Chevy will bark at the spot where the dog WAS, even if the dog is inside the house, or gone to the Vet, or at the doggie park! 

It's kinda like he imaginates the dog being there. Imaginates?

Also, why do dogs like rolling in stinky stuff? If Chevy finds something stinky, he rolls in it. 

One time, a guy on our block must have cleaned fish in his front yard, and when our previous dog, Benji (who is now in doggie heaven) found the fish guts, he rolled in them with DELIGHT! 

Pew-wy! It took mucho amounts of soap and water to remove that awful smell! Benji didn't seem to mind at all. Well. he DID mind the bath, not the terrible smell. 

Speaking of smells, are you a gagger? I am. If something stinks VERY bad, I gag. It can be embarrassing if you enter a person's stinky domicile and try to make conversion, and the gag reflex starts to kick in. 

You try to hold your breath, but that only lasts for a short time, and then you have to take a DEEP breath, and all of that rotten garbage, or whatever it is, smell fills your olfactory senses (your nose) and the violent, uncontrolled gagging begins! 

The person who lives there is "nose blind" to the odor, and asks "what's wrong?"

So you have to make up a story about how you've been sick and have drainage, and the nasty green phlegm is making you gag, but then, the image in your mind's eye of green phlegm makes you gag even more!! 

If you've been there, you know exactly what I mean. I guess, if you ain't been there, you don't know...

A little song I wrote about 1000 years ago. 

I seem to have drifted off the subject again, ever so slightly. I was originally talking about spring-like days, and how it feels good to be alive!

In fact, today, it's kind of magnificent outside here in central Illinois, so Chevy will be wanting to take even more walks than usual. 

I do not know how Chevy knows what the weather is outside, before we even go outside! 

His instincts? It sure does, after he goes poo poo!!