Monday, August 5, 2019

How Will They Carry On?

It's getting more difficult to write an encouraging, somewhat humorous blog, amidst the heartless violence in the world today.

I can't imagine what it is like for those who lost loved ones in a senseless shooting. How do they carry on with their day to day activities after such a heartbreaking event in their lives?

Even as a Christian, I know I would find it hard to remove the hatred for the shooter from my heart, and not blame God for what happened. 

That's the rub, because if we don't forgive, and believe in God's love no matter what, we will be doomed to live a life of endless suffering and sadness, in perpetual disintegration of our soul.

I'm in total amazement when a news reporter interviews the parents of a child who was brutally murdered by some madman, and they express forgiveness for the murderer, and are comforted by the fact their child is in the arms of Jesus. 

I have to be honest. I want to be a Christian like that, and I pray that I'm a Christian like that, but I REALLY don't know if I could be that strong and faithful.  

But I would have to be, to be able to continue living and serving the Lord, and my family.

I pray for the family members of the victims of all the mass shootings in recent years. May God bless your efforts to forgive and carry on, knowing that God's love surpasses all of our understanding.