Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Blog Every Cockadoodie Day

My sworn duty is to provide a humorous to hysterical blog for you EVERY SINGLE DAY! Not every other day, or Wednesday through Friday, or only two days of the week, but EVERY SINGLE COCKADOODIE DAY!!

I hope I didn't frighten you with the Kathy Bates gif from "Misery!" What an unsettling movie! I just got chills thinking about it!! Brrrrr!!!

Where was I? Oh, yes...I'm a big slacker!! I'm so far removed from my greatest cartoon hero, Horton!!

Horton was a stand up elephant! Well, he was sitting down on the egg, but STILL a stand up elephant...meaning he kept his promises, no matter what!! 

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go back and watch the cartoon I pirated. It's very inspirational!! 

Yes, it's true that a lot of important issues have come up in recent days, but I'm not one to make excuses, brothers and sisters...I take full responsibility...the buck stops here...and don't take any wooden nickles!! 

Here's the skinny, folks! I try, I REALLY try to put up a blog article every day, but...(now, I'm not making excuses) there are certain "forces" that are working diligently to put the kibosh on my brilliant, beauteous, bold, beneficial, baffling blog!

Forces such as extradimensional beings traveling interdimensionally, to throw virtual monkey wrenches in my path to prevent me from creating my one dimensional blog!

My lawn...mostly weeds...and plants and flowers conspiring to keep me preoccupied with mowing, trimming, watering, feeding, singing to them, pulling them, and just glaring at them in a trance like state! (remember...these are not excuses...these are conspiracies and other worldly attempts to suppress Bloggadocious 222...(whadya mean, what's Bloggadocious 222?)

My talking inanimate objects around the house, like the dishes, who say, "wash us, waaaash us, that's the least you can do around the house, you lazy bum!"

Another force of nature is Chevy, the Chorkie dog, who cares not one whit about my blog legacy, but insists on taking me for a walkie every two hours, even when a blog deadline is impending!!

If all this sounds like a lot of lame excuses, you do not understand the seen and unseen entities, dead set on eliminating my bodacious, blossoming blog before it builds up the brains of you beautiful bloggies! 

I'll try to stay on schedule henceforth, my fellow Bloggadocians! 

Onward And Yonward!!!