Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I can handle snowy days,
They're worse since I've grown old,
But I can't stand the blowing,
Freezing, frigid cold!

Even though I don a sweater,
Two coats bought by me Mum,
A hood to block the weather,
The wind flies up me bum!

Benji doesn't seem to mind,
As he walks his merry way,
I guess his fur is way too thick,
To feel the frigid day!

I shiver so hard I feel that I,
Could shake myself apart,
While sitting on my car's iced seat,
 God, let this buggy start!

I remember as children we would play,
Outside in zero temps,
We wouldn't stop 'till we were numb,
Oh, no, we were not wimps!

I get confused now in the cold,
And lose my navigation,
The freezing frost goes through me,
Due to lack of circulation!

I now know how a well digger feels,
On a bitter day, a bit,
Or like the proverbial coldness,
Of the lonely witches t**!