I devote Travelin' Tuesdays to stories about the times I traveled across the highways and byways of this place I like to call America.
Circa 1971, we stumbled upon a flyer that was pinned to a bulletin board in a "head shop:"
Punjab, Missouri
July 4th
The James Gang
The Flock
Black Oak Arkansas
Edgar Winter's White Trash Band
Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes
Just a little disclaimer: I made up the name of the town, because I really can't remember, also the date, and all of the groups, except for the James Gang. Thanks for your cooperation!
All I knew is that I wanted to see the James Gang, with Joe Walsh!
I absolutely loved their song, "Walk Away!"
Takin' my time
Choosin' my lines Try'n' to decide what to do
Looks like my stop
Don't wanna get off
Got myself hung up on you
Seems to me
You don't wanna talk about it
Seems to me
You just turn your pretty head and walk away
You don't remember? Okay here it is:

We were going!!
Was there ever any doubt?
Yasgur's Farm...I mean...Doc Love's Farm...festival...The James Gang...What's not to
Two days before the festival, we gathered all of our camping equipment (a ragged old pup tent, and a rusty Coleman lantern), and headed out for Yasgu...I mean...Doc Love's Farm, to beat the crowds.
My friend, Spanky, had a classic 57 Oldsmobile with a multi-colored butterfly painted on the entire hood of the car to make the historic trip.
Here's what it looked like, minus the butterfly:
Punjab (remember, not the REAL name of the town) was south of St. Louis, not far from the famous, Meramec Caverns, and we were sore excited when we arrived!
We saw an old geezer sitting on a bench in front of the "General Store," and asked him if he knew where Doc Love's farm was located.
Now, bear in mind ( no, there are no bears in this story), we were a carload of long haired, hippy freaks, in a car with a pink, blue, and yellow butterfly on the hood, and we were used to getting evil stares, and verbal abuse from old dudes.

However, this guy was very cooperative!
He thought for a second, scratched his head, spit out some tobacco, and slowly said:
"Oh, Doc Love's place? Where they're havin' that hippy jamboree?" ( We shook our heads, yes) "Here's whatya do!"
"Ya goes down this road about two mile, and you'll see a farm with a red barn, ya don't stop there, ya jus keeps on goin' about 5 mile, 'till ya see a railroad crossin', and a road arunnin' along side it, ya takes that road to the right for about 6 mile, and you'll get to a crik, now, if the criks got too much water, you'll have to turn around until ya reach highway K, and makes a left, and then you'll see a place with a hound dog in the yard, and that's ole Doc Love's Farm."
Needless to say, we became hopelessly lost, sooo, we saw another old dude leaning on a fence post, and we asked him how to get to Doc Love's place for the rock festival.
He was chewin' on a weed, so he talked out of the corner of his mouth, when he said:
"Ya goes down this road about two mile, and you'll see a farm with a red barn, ya don't stop there, ya jus keeps on goin' about 5 mile, 'till ya see a railroad crossin', and a road arunnin' along side it, ya takes that road to the right for about 6 mile, and you'll get to a crik, now, if the criks got too much water, you'll have to turn around until ya reach highway K, and makes a left, and then you'll see a place with a hound dog in the yard, and that's ole Doc Love's Farm."
Now, this happened to us about 5 times until we realized these old guys were yankin' our string, and didn't want us to get to the festival! ( Don't forget, our senses, judgement, and perception of reality had been dulled by the abuse of drugs, that I strongly recommend you kids should avoid at all costs!! Especially, if you're trying to find Doc Love's Farm!)
This is your brain on drugs!
Miraculously, we eventually found the place, and immediately set up camp, RIGHT BEHIDE THE STAGE!!!
How cool is dat, brothers and sisters!!!
We are so psyched about this festival, and have the time of our lives for two days, awaiting the arrival of the James Gang...James Gang...JamesGang...those were echoing James Gang's for effect.
The morning arrives!!
People are arriving, trucks, motor homes, helicopters, and it is just like Woodstock, man!! (I wasn't at Woodstock, but I saw the movie)
The time has come, and we are about to burst from exhilerated excitement!!!
Someone is walking toward us! Is it the James Gang, with Joe Walsh? Edgar Winter? Ted Nugent?
No! None of the above. It is a "brute squad" ( like in The Princess Bride movie) to come and kick us off the property, so we can wait in the endless line and buy tickets like everyone else!
This is a true story, and to tell you the truth, I really don't remember being at the festival after that.
My friends told me I was there, and had a good time, but I honestly don't remember seeing the James Gang, or ANYBODY!
See, kids!
See what you miss out on by engaging in recreational drugs?
You miss out on the James Gang, kids!!
The legendary, awe inspiring, James Gang!!
Let this be a lesson to ya!!
It wasn't for me. HA!